Saturday, December 15, 2007

Dreams About Cheating

Dreams about cheating, either being cheated on or cheating yourself, are some of the most commonly reported, and most troubling, dreams there are. Many people take these dreams as prophecies, and accuse their spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend of cheating in real life. While these kinds of dreams are sometimes valid, most times they are not.

When a dream of a cheating spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend turns out to be accurate, it does not necessarily mean you are psychic. Rather, it probably means that your unconscious mind picked up on some subtle signals that your conscious mind either overlooked or blocked out.

For instance, things like a sudden change in wardrobe, new cologne or sudden interest in fitness can often signal a cheating spouse. It is possible that your unconcious took note of all these signals during the day, and then used your dream state to send a message.

In most cases, however, a dream about a cheating boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse is not about the spouse at all. Rather, the dream is most likely caused by insecurity, anxiety or guilt on the part of the dreamer.

For instance, dreaming about catching your boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse with another partner probably indicates a deep seated anxiety on your part, either worry about your appearance, doubts about your attractiveness, or just generalized anxiety about the future.

Likewise, dreaming that you are cheating on your spouse or significant other can result from guilt you feel about other issues. In some cases these feelings of guilt are not even related to your relationship.

Rather, the guilt could be the result of anything from cutting corners at work to cheating on a test to being less than honest with family members. Thus the cheating is only a symbol of guilt you already feel, not a prediction that you will be stepping out on your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend.

Dreams about a boyfriend or girlfriend cheating on you tend to be fear based dreams. These dreams do not necessarily represent fear of being cheated on, although those fears can come out in dreams. Instead, the fear could be anything, from fear of failure on a project at work to fear of failing a test at school.

The fear expressed through a boyfriend/girlfriend cheating dream could also be the manifestation of a deep seated childhood fear of abandonment. Children of divorced parents, or children whose parent or parents have died, often express their fear of abandonment through bad dreams, and these dreams can morph into dreams where they are abandoned by a partner or a spouse.

Even though the issues expressed through dreams of cheating and being cheated on are not rooted in the relationship, it is always a good idea to work through the issues that caused the dreams. That is because the issues associated with these kinds of dreams, issues like trust and fear, are important things to work through. Issues with trust, and fear of abandonment can be very damaging to even the strongest relationship.

So whether you are the cheater or the cheatee in your dream, it is important to examine the situations you encounter in your dreams. The situations, places and people encountered while in a dream state often represent real people, places and objects, and learning the connections can allow you to correct the situations that are leading to such feelings of insecurity and anxiety.


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bianca said...

What if you have a dream that you cheated on your boyfriend with himself ? I know it sounds a little strange but I had a dream that I was dating my boyfriend twice, as if he had his very own twin both my boyfriend & his "twin" were different in personality , but it was extremely weird . What does that dream mean ?

Unknown said...

was this "twin" the part of your boyfriend you would like him to be? then that would be your answer. You may want your boyfriend to be more like the twin in reality.

Megan said...

I had this same exact dream! I cheated on my boyfriend with himself, but each one had a different personality.

AnyGirl said...

I had a dream that I cheated on my boyfriend with a girl and I didnt feel guilty because I was about to tell him, you know before I woke up. What the f does that mean, please?

Unknown said...

I am currently losing my best mate to a new guy he has met and im getting very upset with him. I am now having dreams that my girlfriend is cheating on me with my bestfriend, but the morning i woke up and told her, she mentioned she had a dream the night before about being in bed with my bestfriend. She now has mentioned she has kept dreaming of it and had a dream she was in bed named with my best friend and his new best mate. What do i do and what does this mean? because im feeling very worried.

Unknown said...

Is your best friend part of both u and ya girlfriend lives maybe y'all both feel y'all are losing him to his new mate so y'all both dreaming about him abandoning y'all rather than him cheating u understand

Anonymous said...

I had a dream that my boyfriend of 14 months, cheated on me with his best friend who is a girl. I've also been having visions of them together, and my boyfriend looks happier while he is dating her. Instead of dating me..

It's been happening for a week now.

Laz said...

This dream was pretty strange. We were at a tailgate and my girl decides to leave with a friend of ours which is also a girl, leaves to another tailgate. I dont see them for rhe duration of the tailgate. I look for them cant find them. So i stop looking and find out where they are the next day. I come to find out they are still at the tailgate at what seems to be a little RV . I go in im furious i fight the guy and whatnot. We leave. I start the whole why did you do that argue with her as the situation calms down i ask did you have sex with him she says yes first says twice and then i ask her again and she doesnt respond . I wake up. Pretty weird dream.

Kerrybear said...

I am pregnant with my fiancé 2ND child and I know of two times he admitted he cheated and I just woke up from a dream of the details of him cheating it was horrible I'm sure it's not true the vividness of the dream I just can't go back to sleep I'm crying and it has been hard for me to deal with him cheating because I do care about him and because we have two kids now I just feel like I'm torn between things and I don't know what to do I keep everything to myself... :"(

Unknown said...

My boyfriend cheated on me and i found out by going through his fone . Now since then every night i have a dream that he cheats on me but he does it infront of me and thinks it's normal. This has been going on for 8wks 7days a week.
What do these dreams mean cause they are having a big affect on me and making me more insecure then ever.

Unknown said...

Sup guys and gals.. after a dream I had just lastnight, I wanted to know what it could mean and that's what brought me here. I had a dream about my girl and it was not good at all. We were together at a party or something and she was on her phone texting someone. When I asked who she was texting, she just said its her bff. I got closer and she hid her phone from me. A while after her bff appears in the dream and now they're both looking at her texts. Next thing you know some car pulls up and my girl gets up, walks right past me not saying anything, and leaves with some dude, by herself. That's when I woke up feeling so down. Even though she was sleeping right next to me, I couldn't go back to sleep. I feel like this dream is gonna haunt me for a long time.

Nise said...

Everytime I have a dream of my boyfriend cheating on me I always wake up in the middle of the dream. My past couples of dreams of dreams of him cheating have been with one of his coworkers I associate with. What does that mean? Please help.

curious said...

So I had this dream. My bf of 4 years just up and leaves our son and Ito go tour mexico with some guys for 3 months. And I meet a guy (don't know who he is) but when we come anywhere near each other we both feel a pull. And its electric between us. We can't separate from each other. We are very "attracted" to one another and its so intense I can feel a faint pull when I'm awake. Who is this mistery man and what does this all mean...?

Unknown said...

i had a dream that my boyfriend cheated on me while i was home then acted casual, while the girl was still in bed naked so i couldnt go into my room. and he didnt understand why i was upset then he told me he loves me like that would make me feel better then i got angry tried to confront the girl then he stopped me and i woke up

Unknown said...
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Motorcity2058 said...

I had a dream once that a hamburger was eating me!!!

dianeee said...

I dreamed that my husband cheated on me with a girl that my ex is dating. I got so mad in my dream that I almost beat her up. So not worth it to beat her up I told my husbsnd but he told me that im dumb that he would not cheat on me.

Dot23 said...

I had a dream that i came home from work, did overtime and he was in the shower with another female about to have sex with her but i walked in the bathroom so everything stopped and i woke up. At that time my boyfriend wasn't home. I called him immediately and told him the dream. His response was "wow". Then says i didn't want to tell u because i was scared of ur reaction but i had a dream, i was about to have sex with some girl.
Funny how we had similar dreams about him cheating. What does this mean? It's killing me.

James said...

I am very happy with my current girl. Its only been about a month. But i have no intentions of ever cheating on her. Im the first guy to go all the way with her and i feel kinda guilty for going so far so fast. But for the past week or so, ive been having dream after dream where i am hooking up with a different girl. (usually younger and someone ive known in the past)
Last night was the first time my GF was in my dream and she went away for the weekend. And i ended up making out with a friend on the stoop right as my girl comes home in the car. She saw it and wouldnt speak to me or look at me for the rest of the dream it was terrible

Unknown said...

my boyfriend cheated on me but I forgave him, I still think about it when we argue or when I feel lonely and its been 2 months already almost 3. ive been dreaming of cheating on him with his brother, his favorite brother. what does it mean I cheat with his own brother?

Chelsey said...

I'm pregnant an I keep dreaming my bf is cheating on me with who I think are girls he'd like to look at an some are friends an one was his sister witch is strange but I just don't understand why I keep having dreams like this it makes me so upset I cry an Idk if its just being pregnant or what someone please help me

kiesha said...

I had a dream that a female answered my man's phone laughed and said that she is his woman what does this mean

Regina said...

I have dreamt about my bf cheating on my like 3 to 5 times. And when I wake up I get really upset. In actual life, there was this "cheating" incident. Though I don't know whether is it real or not, since everything I know was based on my bf's side......

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Candace said...

It is most likely because you are pregnant. Not only are there all those hormones but our bodies change so much when we a pregnant. Even if our spouse is very affectionate and validating, we cant help but think 'are they still attracted to me', 'will he still want to be with me after I've had the baby'. These are natural things to think and if your man is a good man, he will stand by you. You are having his child. Your mind is just playing on your insecurities and being pregnant your emotions get away on you a bit be ause of it.
I have two children with my husband and had very similar dreams while pregnant and during the first year of their lives. Being a parent changes your relationship, but it can be for the better. Doesn't have to be a bad thing.

Ryan L Waterman said...

This is really interesting! I've had many dreams where I cheated on my boyfriend. It's a relief to read that the dreams aren't actually about cheating but possibly a larger insecurity. I do have a question for anyone who may be reading as I've gotten mixed responses: If you've dream cheated on your partner, did you tell them about it?

Unknown said...

I had a dream that my boyfriend cheated on me. but he admit it to me on my dream though I don't know if he's telling the truth. one thing that bother I know the girl that involve. I woke up hearing myself crying

Unknown said...

I've had this dream a few times. My boyfriend of the past has a child with another person. We have none together. Accept in the dream we have two kids a boy that is about 2.5 years old and a baby girl. He leaves me for his previouse girl friend that he had his first daughter with. What does this mean? Also i have had a dream about him leaving me for another girl accept in this dream we have three kids together a boy a girl and a new born baby boy what does this all mean? I am so confused and worried?

Unknown said...

Of the past two years** has a child with his previouse girl friend......

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

It's be about my gf

Unknown said...

I keep having dreams about my boyfriend cheating on me. In these dreams I know these girls names and what they look like to the detail, but in real life I have never met or seen these girls. what does that mean??

Unknown said...

I had a dream that my man started having another relationship while we were still together and i am raising his son from a previous relationship. He goes about like it's all normal and him and i area still going to get married and he gets this girl pregnant which kills me because i can't have kids anymore i had a hysterectomy when I was 28 because of cancer. I kept waking up and going ok it is over and falling right back asleep where it left off like the torture was on pause. Dreams like this always leave me feeling weird for a while. I wake with relief like i am so glad that it's not real, He is not the cheating type but it still makes me feel very insecure for a day or so. It might not even mean what it was but those feelings of hurt and betrayal linger.

Unknown said...

What does it mean when you have a dream of your cheating on you.. And your crying in your aleepung but it is so strong that your crying real life like i wake up with tears rolling down my face .. i have very intense dreams .. n its putting a toll in our relationship..

Unknown said...

I had a dream that my bf was cheating in me in front of me :( what does that mean? I'm a stay at home mom. He works but comes straight home after so there's no reason for me to think he's cheating in real life.

Unknown said...

Please help me....I keep having these reoccurring dreams where my boyfriend will cheat on me with girls his step mom introduces him to (she doesn't like me) and then a few nights I had dreams that I was cheating on him with people I didn't even recognize :'( and in my dream AND when I would wake up I had this fear and guilt haunting me :'( I'm happy in my 15 month (1 year 3 months) relationship and I love him more than anything...the only thing I can think could trigger these dreams is because of gas prices and him always having to borrow a relatives vehicle with permission to come see me..I haven't seen him in over a week and I miss him. I'm just tired of feeling so miserable from these dreams.

shit is crazy said...

My dream was i looked in my girls phone and seen a pic/message of another guy. I asked about it and she just said its another part to that message. im not sure what this dream mean

Anonymous said...

I have had three dreams all with the same basic outline within a month.

The first one, my boyfriend was in court for sleeping with a minor (15yr old) and to prove he wasn't he had to say where he was on certain nights. Each night he was naming a girl who he was seeing/sleeping with. One of the people he mentioned was someone who he cheated on me with 4 years ago (though this is - as far as I know - the only time he has and we are over it). All the time through he was saying sorry to me.

The second one was random that we was in a shop near where we first met and we finished in the shop and we was walking down the street when he said he had a confession to make. This is when he told me he had been cheating on me.

The third, which was last night, I caught him cheating on me with a girl when I went round to his house.

Could anyone tell me what the meaning could be? Losing sleep over it :(

Unknown said...

I've been having the same occurring dreams of my boyfriend cheating on me.
One: He cheated on me with a woman he met online.
Two: He cheated on me with my sister in the next room. When they were done, he looked smug and laughed knowing that I knew.

Unknown said...

I have been married for 10 years, in the beginning I always had dreams of him cheating on me. since then I've had dreams of me cheating on him. Recently its been with men ive known from my past (even dated prior to him ), even just last night I dream't that I was leaving him and the other guy was leaving his family (and I know the guy from my past)

faithful_girl718 said...

My boyfriend of two years had 3 dreams of me cheating on him but I'm being faithful to him. When he has those dreams he loses trust towards me. Help!

DreamWeaver said...

I am a young adolescent and have recently engaged in a courtship with an alumni from my highschool, who served as an important and dear upperclassman for me. He recently ended a four year relationship with his previous girlfriend claiming, (and I can assume is all true because of how I watched them interact prior to developing romantic feelings towards him), because she was posessive, controlling, and frequently put him down. We have been seeing each other with romantic intent for about 2 months now, although I only accepted his proposal for an official and public relationship one month ago. We have been friends for about three years now, which is also the number of years in our age gap.
I dreamt that we were on a trip together to the woods in an RV, most likely because we often speak of doing so once I become of age and am allowed freedom (I have strict, traditional Mexican parents), and that we engaged in coitus for the first time. The dream me described it as extremely bitter-sweet, constantly feeling fluctuating pain and pleasure, which I myself can not confirm or deny due to lack of inexperience. (He lost his virginity to his previous girlfriend and I am still a virgin, because I am a minor we have agreed not to engage in intercourse in years until I am an adult)
Everything seemed perfect, we were lovey dovey, got along as per usual, and even planned our next trip into the woods. After a day my family came to join us because we had invited them to enjoy the flora and fauna with us, and he began to act strange then on.
I believe that my family is aware of our intimate relationship but can not say whether it is true or not because we have not said anything of us, and he plans to be the one to tell them because of the age difference, but in this dream they seemed completely oblivious to his significance to me. For a while I wandered off for a light jog and decided to check my Facebook on my phone to come across half-nude images of my boyfriend and another girl quite the opposite of me (older, taller, fair light skin, brilliant colored eyes, bodacious; the only thing we had in common was our very short dark hair) which I assume were taken post-sex. Alarmed, I headed back to where we were located to find them snogging by where my parents were, and neither couple seemed bothered.
The dream me was torn and confronted him, identifying the girl as his friend, which I shal dub M, (which made no sense to me, I have met the girl and they are not alike except for the similar colored hair). I told him to choose between us, although I doubted I'd return to him after the event, and suddenly he changed to a different personality.
My boyfriend is a kind, sentimental, slightly jealous but never to the point of doing anything extreme from it, and undoubtedly loyal partner. However, in the dream he grabbed my arm roughly and calmly told me that he would have us both, I for a house-wife and she for his true lover. This is the most unerving part... I pulled out an extremely large meat cleaver that I would not be able to lift in real life out of somewhere and began to chop & slice them up on the spot, and my witnessing family seemed unfazed.
I am very disturbed by how the dream ended, I hugging his mutilated remains and grinning whilst crying.
I have never had such dreams before and am worried. I admit to having abandonment issues, many insecurities that I am not worthy of such a kind & patien partner, and was bullied for having an oriental appearance and being 'unloved' since 5th grade. I am now a Junior in highschool and have few, but very dear, close friends (boyfriend included) whom are all aware of my insecurities and short temper and I love all of them, I know I am not unloved and that it is a fat chance they would leave me.

Unknown said...

In a dream my partner told me about a male work colleague she slept with at work. She even told me all the places they had had sex together. What does this mean?

Unknown said...

I had a dream my boyfriend cheated on me with his daughters mom in front of me. But it felt so real. In the dream I was on my monthly cycle and my brakes to my car were messed up and in reality I am on my cycle and my brakes are messed up. What does this mean? I didn't know I was asleep until I woke up. What could this mean? Please help

Unknown said...

So i had a dream that i caught my boyfriend cheating on me. I woke up from that dream then went back to sleep and had a different dream that he was breaking up with me. I had two seperate dreams about him in the same night. What could that mean?

Unknown said...

I had a dream about my girlfriend sleeping with another guy and i caught her and she didn't really care and later on that dream her best friend came and try to cheer me up and at the end we ended up dating what can this mean??????

Unknown said...

I had a dream me and my girlfiend were chilling on the couch and all of a sudden she answers a call from her best friend and she starts bragging over the phone about her having sex with her brothers friend...right in front of me. She was really getting into details until i had enough and started arguing with her, while i was arguing i was packing my bags. While i was out the door my gf never got off the phone...but when i was walking away she asked me for a kiss....what does this dream mean?

karenx said...

I am here to testify to the good work of the Dr Osaze. 4 years ago, my husband left home, he never returned, no phone

calls, no letters, no emails, no sign of him anywhere. my daughter got sick with multiple sclerosis, things were so

tough for me. I had lost hope, 2 years ago, i met a psychic, he said he would help me, i paid over $6800 and still

nothing happened, I lost hope. completely, my daughters situation got worse each day.last month, I saw a posting

concerning the of the whole professionals, I gave them a try ? i requested all three spells (Bring Lover.

back, Healing spell and Career spells). In a matter of weeks, my husband called me and told me he was. sorry and that

he wants to come back to me and that he would explain everything when he comes back,three days later, I got a new job

with a loan and finance company, right now, my daughter??s condition is.getting better each day and I trust she would

be well in a matter of days.I want to thank, for their efforts and for bringing my life back

to normal and so close to. perfection.
My name is Sharon, I live in Chicago.

karenx said...

Out of respect for you and your spells I must make this testimony know to all. I've been to other spell casters and

psychic readers before, but in my opinion you are the best. I just wished I came to you earlier, but hey I got the

best for last and that is Lord Osaze. My ex was gone for a year and I went everywhere and other spell casters for help

but no result until my friend introduce me to Lord Osaze. After that Love Spell and Break Up Spell was done I finally

gotten calls from him out of no where within 12 hours. Him and the other lady broke up and we are going on a vacation

together... Thanks and I love you for helping me. To everyone who is looking for a real spell caster contact
and he will help you..

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

My husband and i have been together for 6 years on and off. We had our son in September of last year, and got married in June. Everything has been ok... we bicker on and off. Weve always dealt with issues by talking them out but lately hes stopped talking with me, and hes been drifting away from me. Last night i had a dream that we were at my mothers old house and my husband, me, my brother in law and his baby mama were there. My hubby and i argued and i walked outside for a ciggarette. When i tried to go back in my mother tried to stop me, but i pushed past her. I walked upstairs and saw my husband screwing his nephews mom... he looked at me, and asked if we were still dating... i grabbed my son and began to walk out of the house with my husband following me apologizing. Hes never cheated on me, but idk what this dream could mean. I woke up shaking and crying... and now i have a pit in my stomach that wont go away... anyone have any idea what this could mean?

RuhRo said...

I had a dream that I cheated on my boyfriend with my best friend (who's a girl) and i felt so guilty and i told him and he completely ignored me after telling me not to talk to him anymore. Then I woke up and it was really scary. Normally I dream about him cheating on me! Or us breaking up (among many other things of course).

sara said...

I keep having dreams where I catch my husband cheating on me then I hit the other girl. This time I caught him and then we talked and I wanted to know everything that happened between them he just says they kissed and it was a mistake. But I wake up feeling really confused. Normally in my dream I leave him this dream I didnt what could it mean???

Unknown said...

I had a dream last night that my husband who has an extreme addiction to women... slept with his fathers fiance... I'm pregnant and was told my dreams will be more crazy and vivid but i have them every night and its taking over my mind! I cant even look at him especially cause i know what he did in real life.

Unknown said...

I had a strange dream in which my boyfriend was having intercourse with one of his best girl friend and when i caught them they kept at it after that i ran away with my baby in my arms as if didnt know where to go then i saw him with some guy friends and i went to reclaim what had happened i even had proof then he said it wasnt him so we went back and the two where still there my boyfriends i guess twin in this dream was telling me sorry when my actual boyfriend i think was pushing him away i dont understand why this dream.....i had one before of him cheating on me with his ex but i didnt care cause he was with me all the time so there was no way of him cheating but now he has gone to college and my cheating dreams are more often but this one had two of him this is why i dont understand it

Unknown said...

Well, i don't know why but last nights i've been dreaming about me cheating on my boyfriend with someone i don't even know. Thi µs night was different. He was about to cheat on me. He study in college so he hires a room. He was helping another girl to move in so he was helping that girl with stuff..standing in his underwear. so strange i was crying and crying because i knew he was going to cheat on me. the strangest part was that the room she was moving n was an old room that looked like my brothers one in our old house where we moved out a year ago.

i hate dreams like this..sometimes it's me cheaing on him and then it's him that's going to cheat on me.

KBeyer07 said...

I had a dream last night that me and my boyfriend were at some party and I went to use the bathroom and when I came back I couldn't find him. I figured he was just mingling so I sat down and started drinking this drink and all of a sudden I felt spaced out, high and just not me. Well I heard some people say that they couldn't believe my boyfriend put some moves in too, I asked them what they meant and they said he was in the bedroom behind me and was just in an orgy. I got off the couch and ran in there and everyone was getting dressed and we made eye contact and I said to him I thought I could count on you, thought I could trust you, thought you actually cared about me, f**k you I'm done and stormed out. I tried to run down the stairs and open the the door but I fell and struggled to reach and turn the knob so he caught up to me and said (3 times) you can't count on me and was right in my face and I couldn't say anything back so I just cried and he walked away from me quite quickly while shaking his head. I than woke up sweating, please someone help me with some kind of explanation for this dream.

Dreamshurtmarriage said...

My husband had an affair about 6 years ago. We got thru it and even had another child. About 2 years ago there was a fire at my work and we were all outside. My husband had the day off and was obviously worried so came to watch my office burning. A guy at my office made a joke as I was walking to my car and I laughed as I walked by. That's it. My husband still has vivid nightmares about me cheating. He acts like they're real and gets so mad at me. 2 years later and we're holding on by a few threads. How do you stop these dreams? I have tried everything

Anonymous said...

I woke up at 3:20 a.m. I was on a platform I didn't know the area beyond the walls it was within but in the middle was a random table. 4 girls 1 my gf, 2 her sister, 3 my ex, and 4 my cousin.... There were 4 four men but I didn't see their face because I decided that it didn't matter... Each girl (sorry) was giving head to each guy as a own pair... As I show up upon the table I see the girls faces and they all stop as if nothing happened... nobody had spoke one word until I walk up next too my gf cleaning herself up and she's says "eww" like as if she had no emotion towards it like it was nothing.. I woke up maybe 10 seconds after I had been sick of what I had seen... I wanna know why she was the only one that said something. Did she say eww because she was having a dream aswell and maybe experienced something similar. Maybe dreams are connected? Anyways, someone please help me decipher this, I do love her dearly...

Illa said...

I keep having dreams of my girlfriend of 17 months flirting and/or actually cheating right in front of me like she doesnt care, but she doesnt leave me. Seems almost as if she wants me to leave her, but I dont. In my dream its like I dont want to leave her and I try to convince her that what shes doing is wrong, but she doesnt care. Why do i dream of this!!!???

Unknown said...

I had a dream (nightmare) that my boyfriend of 3 years cheated on me. Two days later he dumped me and told me he cheated on me THE NIGHT I HAD THAT DREAM!!!!

I was absolutely shocked to say the very least.

Unknown said...

i have been having dreams that my boyfriend is cheating on me with all kinds of different girls sometimes i can see there faces other times i cant its been happening for two years now in the dreams he knows i'm standing right there but no matter how much i try to talk to him he won't answer me how is this possible and what does it mean???

acon said...

I have had my share of weird dreams, but this is probably the most "real" one so far. I had a dream that i woke up in mine and bf's bed and turned over to where he usually sleeps, and he was there but with a girl, naked, laying tangled up. I did what i would have done and freaked out asking who she was and why in our bed while i was in it?! she proceeded to tell me i should be sorry and i don't deserve him, then told him everything would be okay. When i asked him more about it he ignored that anything had even happened. HELP!?

Unknown said...

Him doing it in front of you could be a symbol for him taking you for granted, or feeling he can walk over you cause you stayed with him. Maybe he's not truly guilty for what he did, and has no regret.

missyloux said...

I had the most real dream ive ever had last night. I dreamt that my boyfriend I have been with for 18 months was cheating on me with a girl he has known for ages. In my dream he had been seeing this girl for 12 months of our relationship and had a baby with her. I met the girl before my boyfriend came home in my dream and when he got home I stormed out... crying he asked whats wrong and I told him to stay away as I knew he had been cheating on me. He then walked back to this girl and I walked back up and pulled him aside and asked him if he wanted to be with me and at this point he pointed to the girl and said I have feelings for her not you... then I woke up. This dream really freaked me out. HELP!!!

Unknown said...

I had a strange dream; my two brothers, my girlfriend and I are at her fathers appartment (though it doesnt really LOOK like her dads appartment). The dream starts where I'm walking into the living room and I see my girlfriend laying on the couch both sleeping in eachothers arms in undergarments. The part of the dream that upsets me the most is the way I act and its completely outrageous and I fly off the handle. Throwing stuff, swearing, yelling, shoving. Its like I hadn control but I could only sit there and watch me freak out, and never really get a straight answer, though they both try to justify that they did nothing wrong or that its not as it seems, or that they can explain. It has totally ruined my day, only had the dream once this morning

Unknown said...

I hadwas a dream We were walking from somewhere &' he was like just go home im finna head on Marquette so I went home &' it was like 3 sumn in the morning but like 2 hours later someone told me he cheated so I asked him &' he said yheaa &' I dumped him than he said it was because i am not fun &' was being lazy on my b-day &' made a huge fb status about me than i started crying than ending up killing myself i woke up crying

Unknown said...

My fiance and I have a 2 1/2 year old son and another on the way... In 2011 my fiance kept talking about co workers cheating on their wives in their cars on their break. Then I caught my fiance was getting off to porn in our bathroom with me in the bedroom. He said for a whole year he didnt know why he did it, then just did... Thenhe kept up with his porn routines, I kept forgiving him. But I caught him again a few months ago. He has been acting weird, taking 45 minute showers but not everyday. He comes.home diffrent times from work and when he gets home he is too tired to spend time with my son or i. He never wants to go on dates or out to dinner but he has been sneaking out and eating through out the mornings. And the other night he took along shower with his phone in the bathroom. When I went to shower after him I stepped in something sticky and later I was trying to find his phone to charge it. He hid it. I had a dream this morning that I called him to pick me up. He kept making work excuses. Then he accidently called me and I heard him having sex with another woman in his car and I kept hearing him moan and the car honking. I woke up sooo mad straight from my dream I felt I was going to have an asthma attack. It felt soo real but I cant get over the dream. What does this mean????

Unknown said...

I had dream my fiancee was taking part of an orgy with 2 other people,and i started choking and hitting them. What does this mean? I love my fiancee so much i would necer hurt them ever

Anna Boekelheide said...

I had a dream last night that I cheated on my fiancee with a guy I liked several years ago but never dated. We were fooling around in the shower, but just as we were about to actually have sex, I pushed him away and said "No, I can't do this, I'm engaged, I love someone else!" and started crying. I still feel so guilty even though I know it wasn't real.

Unknown said...

Well, yesterday was a rough day for my boyfriend and I. We've been arguing for some time, and I know everytime its always my fault.. even though sometimes its not. I just blame it on me all the time. Well, we were somewhat better later on the night.. but I had this dream where I cheated on him, not with one but 3 guys! I dont remember who were the two, but the other one was a celebrity that doesnt even call my attention? I felt sooo bad when I woke up. But I never desire to cheat in reality. I feel like I should let him know bc I feel guilty. I just dont know what this dream meant.

Unknown said...

I had a dream that my unborn child was not mine. More then once I had this dream. Why?

Unknown said...

I keep having this dream where my boyfriend who one day wants us to be married is cheating on me because i cant have kids and this girl hes cheating on me with has two of her own and he really wants to have children im scared to get married to him because im so scared that hell leave for someone who can have kids i love him to death hes the best thing thats ever happened to me im just so afraid of losing him idk what this all means

The WIZ said...

One word. Subconscious. Nothing to worry about sweety.

The WIZ said...

Well you may have no desire to cheat but your subconscious has had the thought. The best way to control this is to just love and lust after your bf much as you can, unless you feel the relationship won't last and then that would be the cause of your subconscious controlled dream.

Unknown said...

I had a dream a couple of weeks ago that my girlfriend cheated on me with a friend of mine. They didn't go all the way just my front putting his hand down the front of her trousers. Last night I had another dream that she had been reading my emails. We've been together a year and a half. I'd never had any sort of dreams like it until a couple of weeks ago, so I don't know what's brought them on.

Unknown said...

Had a dream my girl of six years cheated on me with my cuz we just moved in with him and his FAM what should I do talk about it with my girl or leave it alone and my cuz is a Big time player please help driving me crazy

Unknown said...

I am Keisha Green I want to share my testimony and my happiness with you all, last year my husband left me for another woman in his working place and he abandon me and my 2kids, everything was so hard for me because i love him so much, so i saw the testimonies of a lady on the internet saying how this Priest help her in getting her husband back so I decided to contact him and he help me to cast a return spell for my husband and in 3 days my husband left the other woman and he come back to me with so much love and care. I will never forget this help that Priestidigun gave to me and my children. If you are here you need help to get you lover back you can contact him through this email;

Unknown said...

what about a dream that you ex cheats with you on their current bf

Miss Mich San said...

That's so sad I hope you nd him worked everything out for the best I know its hard but you must think for yourself and not let this big kid walk all over you. You be a woman. Woman up for you and you're kids. If you really want him for you're family you should step it up and be a leader. Be happy. Love your kids.

Unknown said...

my boyfriend just had a dream of me cheating on him, and it seems so real to him. now he is really sad, i don`t know what to do to make him better...

Unknown said...

my boyfriend just had a dream of me cheating on him, and it seems so real to him. now he is really sad, i don`t know what to do to make him better...

Unknown said...

i just dreamed about my girlfriend being in bed with someone else and I got so angry about it and eveytime I dream of something bad about her like a month later or less she did something bad like start crushing on a guy so we been having our problems lately cause she did something bad and I had the heart to forgive her cause I want her to be in my life , and today I had a dream she was in bed with some guy and I told her about it and she said she dreamed about the kid she used to like and he was erected and now im just worried what does all this mean

Unknown said...

So me and my girlfriend last month decided to take a brake from the relationship because she was having major issues in her life so I agreed. Yesterday I messaged her after a month and asking hows things going shes said everything is fine, but she replied in an instant. I care alot for her and asked if she would like help through her hard times cause thats what a bf does. She told me she just needs time alone. So I started to worry again and had thoughts she may be cheating. So that same night I had a dream that my friends and I were for some reason on a porn website and we saw a video of her having sex with another guy. In my dream I texted her later and said I saw her cheating on me. She blew up on me saying im annoying and I message her every few minutes and she doesnt need this bs in her life. But its clearly the opposite shes the one who would message me every minute in real life. But this dream got my thinking shes cheating because we havent talked in weeks and it bothers me.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Idk but I had a dream where I was goin out with my girlfriend and I knew she was sleeping with another man and than I went to her bed and the guy was there and she saw me and she told me to leave and than I went out side and the guy left and she was changing clothes and I asked her of she slept with him she said ugh no and I asked of she's still a virgin and she smiled and said no and this happend on my house idk what this means any ideas

Unknown said...

I want to use this opportunity to thank Dr. Shiva for helping me to get my boyfriend back after he left me 4 months ago. I have sent friends and my brothers to beg him for me but he refused and said that its over between us but when I met this Dr. Shiva he told me to relaxed that every thing will be fine and really after 2 days my boyfriend come back to me and beg me to forgive him.Just in case anybody need his help email him at:

Unknown said...

What does it mean when you have these dreams often? Like, not every night but most of the time? Please respond....

Unknown said...

Hello people I am currently 16 years of age and my girl is 16 years of age too , we have been together for 6 months now and last night I had one of the most worst dream I have ever had which lead to my pillow being damp by my tears , here it goes , it started in my brothers bedroom and me and my girl were sleeping in his room as he is away in malia , as we were laying down my girl sais that she is in pain "down their" so we can't do anything and I say that it's fine and not to worry we will just go to bed , so as we were laying down my mate walks in and my girl sais that she wants something and asks if I can get it downstairs so i say yes and as I was walking downstairs I stopped on the 3rd stair to the top and hear them having sex , a few moments after this happened I forgot and went to sleep ( in my dream ) and I woke up on the floor at the end of the bed and my friend was sitting their and my girl was in the shower and I confront him crying saying stuff like "why would you do this to me" and stuff and my girl walks in and looks at me in tears and looks confused , so mate walks over to her and tells her why I am upset and she just looks at me in a way to say " your pathetic " and laughs and I say to her "why would you do this to me" "you promised me you would never do something like this to me and she looked at my friend and laughed , and that's were the dream ended and I woke up in tears , it's weird because in my dream , at one point they did it a second time Infront of me and acted like I wasn't there , I woke up from this whole dream shaking and crying and now I'm worrying and curious , even tho I know for a fact that she would never ever do anything like that because I trust her with all my heart , also to mention when I woke up straight away I ran to my bros room to check if they were Their , that's how worried I was , I even have her a call and told her about this terrible dream and she said not to worry and she said nothing like that would ever happen and I believe her , please someone help me out I'm absolutely worried , thanks , means a lot

Anonymous said...

This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me..My name is Olivia Jane Mike, and I base in London.My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end,and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called papa Justus who i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called grace,she testified about how papa Justus brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she drop papa Justus e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give papa a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. papa Justus is really a talented and gifted man and i will not to stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man...If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try the great papa Justus today, he might be the answer to your problem. Here's his contact: Thank you great Justus. Contact him for the following:

(1)If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3)You want to be promoted in your office.
(4)You want women/men to run after you.
(5)If you want a child.
(6)[You want to be rich.
(7)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
(8)If you need financial assistance.
(9)Herbal care
10)Help bringing people out of prison
(11)Marriage Spells
(12)Miracle Spells
(13)Beauty Spells
(15)Attraction Spells
(16)Evil Eye Spells
(17)Kissing Spell
(18)Remove Sickness Spells
(21) Charm to get who to love you.
(22)Business spell.
Contact him today on:,
You can also CONTACT HIM ON whatsApp on the number.

Unknown said...

Anyone who has been in an off and on relationship can tell how frustrating it is. Most especially when you love them so much like they know you so well to know that no matter the circumstance in which the break up is based on, you are always gonna make up and start from a fresh page with them. Almost like you can not do without them and your life revolves round them which is literally speaking true. My relationship with my boyfriend was one such off and on thing only that he was the one who constantly kept breaking my heart and each time i kept crawling back to him like i had no life aside from that i shared with him. He knew he could break up with me to date other guys he feels like and at the end of the day come back asking for a second chance and believe me it was always a second chance to me. It was either he wants to date another guys or he's telling me that he is not sure he can be in a relationship with apparently cos he needed to find out what he wants in life and discover who he is. Most people asked why didn't i just move on and find someone who was more worthy of my love. Yes i should have done just that but i can give a thousand reason why i always go back to him at the end of this entire text it will fall back to this that "I LOVE HIM WITH MY LIFE". I could not see my whole life without him in it so basically i was a fool in love. It was like he had something over him that always drew me back to him no matter what the condition might be. I was in pain. I really didn't know if he did all he did on purpose or f it was as a result of his indecisive nature. What ever it was i didn't like cos all i wanted was to spend the rest of my life with him. Blame me or don't on the basis of stupidity what's done is done i contacted a spell caster to help get him in the path i wanted for us. I did this early this year. I was not going to say anything until i was sure that what Metodo Acamu did was for real. I was not going to start misleading people to do what does not exist. I can tell you without now doubt that the spell worked for me and also i have seen a couple of comment Online about Metodo Acamu it is obvious that all he does is make people lives better in every way and bring people out from what ever hellhole they where in. I should tell you that he is one of the only few if not the only one true spell caster that can help you out in any condition. Not cos i saw a couple of comments Online like that of Nicholas Zachary but because all these comments were written by real life people who have gone and seen the authenticity of Metodo Acamu. I asked Metodo Acamu to put my boyfriend in the right path i wanted for the two of us, to help kill that indecisive nature he had in him to make him mine and mine only forever. You should all know he did just that for me and the spell he cast changed our lives in ways you can't imagine and the best part is that he didn't take i single pound from me. I only gave him something out of my discretion as a sign of gratefulness for what he did for me. However Metodo Acamu asked me to get some materials which we used for the spell casting process. I will be opened with you all at first, i thought he wanted to use the required materials as a medium to get money form me but it turned out that he made it clear to me that without those materials it will me impose to do any spell just like cooking without food stuff. Even then he told me to either get the materials to temple by myself or parcel it over to him or to send him the money to get the materials for me if i can't find them. I had to send the money to him cos it was even more less expensive that way. You should also know he is trust worthy you can trust him with anything. Here is his personal contact got it Online when i contacted him thought i should also leave it here maybe for those who need to contact Metodo Acam

Michael pan said...

I just want the whole world to know about this spell caster I met two weeks ago,I cannot say everything he has done for me cause is too much to put in writing all I can say is thank you very much am very happy . In case you need his help contact him on this email address he is a good man thanks.

Doreen said...

Doctor Atete is the best, he has completely made me happy by bring my lover back with his spell. 3 years ago i broke up with my partner and since then i have been trying to resolved the issue but 2 day ago i saw same testimonies of how Doctor Atete has help people solve the different problems and so i contact him my mail and here i am very happy because Doctor Atete has done all i ask him for me. Are you having problems in any aspect of your life then contact Doctor Atete for help, i give you 100% guarantee that he help you just as he helped me okay. Doctor Atete email is: and his website is

Unknown said...

My lover dumped me for any another woman he met on the internet on a dating site, and we separated with my two son after 8 years of marriage, and also i really love him, so i contacted Doctor Akim for a love spell to get my Husband back, to my greatest surprise he cast a love binding spell to get him back for me and my lover came back after 48 hours. i will advice you anyone looking for any kind of spell should contact Doctor Akin via email address: { }

From: Ontario

Name : Erianna Moric

Unknown said...

I had a dream the other night in lastnight that my boyfriend of 6 years has been cheating on me with a girl he has admitted to me that he has cheated with a few times so everytime I have a dream we're at his house, and in the dream its at his house in his room with the girl I don't understand why could i keep having dreams of a person i hate deeply reason y because she acted like she was my friend ugh I hate I keep having these dreams because it makes me think its true smh need answers fast

Unknown said...

My girlfriend and I broke up few weeks ago. she started acting strange, she was ignoring all of my

calls and won’t speak to me at all, i wanted us to be back together forever and work through things as

a lovely couples. I just could not picture my life without her. i felt so rejected when i discovered

that she was cheating on me. it made me go crazy because i took her as the only love of my life, my

best friend, my soul mate, after making some research i found ONIHA on the net that he can restore

broken relationship and i gave it a try, after using his love spell, my girlfriend came back to me

asking for forgiveness and since then I definitely believe is real, I must

admit, the result was perfect, wonderful, this caster ONIHA is real and trust worthy.

Unknown said...

My girlfriend and I broke up few weeks ago. she started acting strange, she was ignoring all of my

calls and won’t speak to me at all, i wanted us to be back together forever and work through things as

a lovely couples. I just could not picture my life without her. i felt so rejected when i discovered

that she was cheating on me. it made me go crazy because i took her as the only love of my life, my

best friend, my soul mate, after making some research i found ONIHA on the net that he can restore

broken relationship and i gave it a try, after using his love spell, my girlfriend came back to me

asking for forgiveness and since then I definitely believe is real, I must

admit, the result was perfect, wonderful, this caster ONIHA is real and trust worthy.

Unknown said...

Well I had dreamt about cheating on my bf 3 times in a row and each dream was different. The first I told the person I had a bf but I was pursuaded to just have a date and see if I liked it or not and I really liked it. Then the other 2 dreams I was just having pleasure 1 was wanted and the other was forced but I knew I could take control of it but I chose not to. But all these dreams weye all taken at night and gloomy like nights (which I kinda like) what's it trying to tell me?

Unknown said...

I had a dream that a man posted pictures of my girlfriend in the shower in slutty positions on Facebook. But in the dream the pictures were moving scenes where I was the different man and she was more than happy to oblige. I woke up and my heart was shattered and it still is. It has been a week, and I see every man as a threat. Also, we are in a long distance relationship and lately we haven't been speaking often. Please... help... advice, anything!!! I need closure

Unknown said...

I met my husband in my first year of senior high school, Its not like i ment him during my first year of being senior , it was more like we started dating during that period in time. It was the first time in my life i felt like my heart was going to explode when anyone touched me or kissed me. I knew i was in love with him and there was no way of saying that i wasn't and i also believed that he loved me just as much as i loved him. In more sense i could mistake what we felt as something magical. We planned our lives together thinking and knowing we are going to be together forever and nothing was ever going to tear us apart. But life being as it is, we woke up and reality set in. Although this month made it the 9th year since we have being together, last year was brought us series of problems. Professionally, i am a medical doctor and he is an art painter so there is no way on earth i will always be around because its the nature of my profession. I always made sure i spend most of my free time with him and not friends. As much as i love him, i also love saving lives so it was so selfish to ask me to choose. I will never ask him to choose between me and his art work because i knew how much he loved painting and how much he loved me also. O well that is all history just wanted you all know what caused our problem. I can go on and on telling how selfish he was towards me and my profession but it will be pointless. In the end i found out he was seeing someone else even if we were still married. I only knew about three months after they started their affair. And his reason for cheating was that he needs closure that i made sure i gave each time i was home with him. All that needing of closure speech could also be rephrased as he was tired of us and needed someone new after eight years of been together. I wish i told him he was never going to see me again but it was the opposite he ended us there and then. Call me crazy or whatever, i knew in my heart that if i had let him go like that i would never had found love again. A spell caster called Metodo Acamu help me cast a spell to bring us back together. I know it sounds hypocritical to even mention i used a spell to get back together with my husband because for goodness sake i am a medical doctor and i should know better than that but it true along with every other testimony about Metodo Acamu spell you have all seen on the Internet. Like most of the testimonies you may have read, i never intended on contact a spell caster but desperation drove me to am only glad i contacted the right one. He only asked me to provide four materials that i can not disclose which i was to mail to him through DHL or UPS but i decided to just send the total cost to him Because firstly my job does not permit me the time secondly some of the materials where not even found here in Chicago or the united state as a whole while other did not just go down with me to actually send via mail. But i to be sincere with you his spell worked. We are more in love than ever before just like when we first started dating and our relationship is more healthier than it ever was. Its been six months since Metodo Acamu help me get back together with my husband and like i said his month made it our 9th year of being together. I will his email contact here for mailing purpose { }

Unknown said...

From my observation i noticed most people think spell casting is all and only Spam. Yes you can say that almost everything on the Internet is more or less Spam this days. I could have with no two thought said just that last year but Metodo Acamu a spell caster made me see there are still few good spell caster out there. Before now, i wasn't a good father or a husband. I almost lost everything i had. As a matter of fact i lost everything i had. I lost my two kids and my wife and my job because i am an alcoholic. I was mostly always drunk throughout the entire day i pushed everybody away that really wanted to help me my wife my friends my mom i was just all about the alcohol. For two years i lived just being a drunk who had no one and who had nothing to live for, i was totally useless.When i realized myself it was rather to later even after i became sober and started fixing my life. She was remarried and living happily and wanted nothing to do with me. I wanted my wife back and wanted to be a part of my children life. Me wanting back my family was not only a step to get my life back together it was also a step to prove to my wife though i am an alcoholic, i can stay sober and be responsible for her and my children. Heaven knows i tried all i can to prove to her that i have changed and i am ready to love her with my life just like how it was before i ruined it. I got her back even with the help of Metodo Aamu a spell caster i was referred to on the Internet. Whatever he did for me made my wife and my kids come back to me. All that was required from me were materials needed for the spell casting. I wish i can write in detail about how all this happened to make those who need help believe that spell casting can yield good result but it really about the heart if you think Metodo Acamu can help you with your problem contact him here and i promise you, he can take all your troubles away, As his spell casting is harmless and don't have any effect in ones life.

Unknown said...

For over a year now I keep having a dream of my boyfriend cheating on me, right in front of me and every time, it's a new girl. They are ruining my sleep. And I've talked to him about them but they still do not stop. I just need to know what to do..

Unknown said...

So, I have been with my girlfriend for roughly 5 years and it's to the point of the relationship that I'm thinking about popping the question. But for the last few months I have had some seriously real dreams that seems like it lasts forever and never gets better. It starts with me being a detective and a serious crime has taken place and the more I dig into it the more I start to find out that the person committing the crimes is the person my girlfriend is cheating on me with and when i confront her she doesn't even feel remotely guilty, and in every dream she ALWAYS has sex with this guy.

Unknown said...

The words to express the gratitude to Therapist Oniha for the successful spell casting are to great to write down. I wouldn't even know how to express the gratitude

for now having the second chance at love and life again. These are the types of things that people can't describe. Therapist Oniha work is amazing from the very first

step to the results. Being there for me when ever I needed him and giving me advice along the way and did what was necessary to make me happy again. Its just an

miracle that I found Therapist Oniha to help me get my ex wife back and God pointed me in his direction. More people should know of Therapist Oniha work and how

wonderful it works and has worked for me to get back together with my ex wife!

Again, Help thank Therapist Oniha email for everything he has done to make my wife come back to me and love me for good.


walden kayla said...

My Name is SANTO WESTLEY..I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster when i contact this man called Execute some business..He is really powerful..My wife divorce me with no reason for almost 4 years and i tried all i could to have her back cos i really love her so much but all my effort did not work out.. we met at our early age at the college and we both have feelings for each other and we got married happily for 5 years with no kid and she woke up one morning and she told me she’s going on a divorce..i thought it was a joke and when she came back from work she tender to me a divorce letter and she packed all her loads from my house..i ran mad and i tried all i could to have her back but all did not work out..i was lonely for almost 4 years…So when i told the spell caster what happened he said he will help me and he asked for her full name and her picture..i gave him that..At first i was skeptical but i gave it a try cos have tried so many spell casters and there is no solution…so when he finished with the readings,he got back to me that she’s with a man and that man is the reason why she left me…The spell caster said he will help me with a spell that will surely bring her back.but i never believe all this…he told me i will see a positive result within 3 days..3 days later,she called me herself and came to me apologizing

Unknown said...

Everyone needs to know the great love spell caster prohet.chasus I can’t tell how long it took me to find a trust worthy caster like prophet.chasus online, I am a very satisfied and happy person today. i have used many spell caster but none of them could bring my man back but prophet.chasus did. after his spell was done, My lover moved in with me. I want anyone who want his or her lover back to choose PROPHET.CHASUS@YAHOO.COM for help cuz he is the right choice to go with. his love spell was excellent.

Unknown said...

I and my boyfriend have been dating for four year now and just last three months he told me, he no longer have feeling for me. He did not just say it like that he made it seem like it was his fault. He was like he has been thinking about his life and he feels like he doesn't know himself anymore and that he doesn't want to hurt me in the processes. I mean we all know those line i have used them and we all have the next words are always "I think we should take a break" which mean i want out of this relationship. I wish he told me all those things before he asked me to marry him i would totally move on with my life but now, it turn out that we were already engaged and for six months at that. I felt bonded to him my whole heart beats and skips just for him for the record his name is Sean. I tried all i could to get by knowing or having the thought in my heart that we could still fix us only to realize he broke up with me to actually date a girl i he meant. It was like he got tired of me or something. I basically never turned any of his request down what ever it was. Sean was literally the first guy i had sex with the every first day i meant them. Usually i make them wait for 40 day but with Sean everything felt right. Anytime i was with him i felt this pain in my heart it was like its bleeding but it was bleeding love. It was so magically that i can't just explain it. So living without him knowing he left me for another girl was torture. I tried to talking to him in every way i could to make him see i love him but it was impossible. He made me feel like trash like am good for nothing and he called me fat and ugly. That really broke me down i could not believe it that of every person i have ever dated the one i love the most called me fat and ugly.. Heaven know i was gonna kill myself because i really had nothing to leave for and he didn't even care if i lived or died. I know this sound crazy but it was just what happened. Though we dating again with the help of a great and reliable witchdoctor Metodo Acamu, it still hurts a lot that i had to pass through all those pain. I mean i thought to myself if can't have Sean, i was not going to live to watch him be happy with someone else. As foolish and crazy as this my sound , it was what i almost did. I was going to kill him and kill myself after wards. I don't know, some how, maybe the universe wasn't totally again me i came across the name witch doctor Metodo Acamu and his email address on the Internet there were a lot of comments on how real, nice and how much he has helped a lot of people fix there relationship , money issues, jobs and lottery ticket i thought contacting him was the last thing i should try before pushing on with my plan to take the life of the man i love. Believe me i was so lucky to have contacted him. He told me if i had killed Sean i would have tried in so many ways to kill myself to join him but it won't have worked. I don't know how true that is but i know that i was asked to get some materials for the witch doctor to make a spell that will reunite me and my fiancé. I sent him the money for the materials only because i could not get them anyway. He helped me a lot he sent a package for me with ups of which i paid for to get to me from an international. He told me to say what i want when burning the content of package with something that has the smell of incense and that in seven days Sean will be mine again and believe me please that was just what happened. It was so spiritual and out of earth that i could not understand how but i knew it worked for me and it is totally safe like Metodo Acamu told me. I know this all sound crazy but its so true and real life so. You can only know when those who need Metodo Acamu help get it. Contact him her

Unknown said...

I am happy to shear my testimony to everyone , sometimes things you don’t believe can just happen. My name is Kate smith I am 34 years old i got married at the age of 27 i have only one child and i was living happily after some years i married my husband behavior became so strange acting weld little wile he packed out to another lady. I love my husband so much that i never dream of losing him, i try my possible best to make sure my husband come back to me but all i could do was nothing, going to different churches day and night i cried seeking for help on till i met a friend (Monica) who told me about Dr anu, who also help her when man in her life left her she told me, Dr anu is a great spiritual man that can be trusted I contacted his email address ( and i told him everything that happen all he said to me i should not worry that all my problems will be solved, that my husband is under a spell. He told me what to do to get my husband back and i did he said after some hours my husband will come back to me and start begging, everything Dr anu said happen i was surprised when my husband came back home and beg for forgiveness we are now together as husband and wife smoothly the way it is when we got married and we both live happily one's again thank you Dr anu i so much appreciate.

Unknown said...

I had a boyfriend a couple of years ago and found out he was flirting with one of my best friends when I went through his phone. I never said anything to him, but we split up about 6 months later because we just kept arguing. Two years later I'm in an amazing relationship, but I dreamt that my current boyfriend cheated on me with the same girl my ex was flirting with. I was 16 when I was with my ex and I wish I'd have split up with him because these thoughts are still affecting me now, even though I'm completely happy with my new relationship. I think I'mstill holding a grudge over this girl because she was one of my best friends and she knew I was with my boyfriend, and because I left it too long to split up with him and feel like she's sort of responsible. The best advice would be to leave him, because he's going to make you feel like a fool for staying with him and he knows he can get away with cheating on you. I know exactly how it feels when you love him but don't want to live without him, but trust me, you'll feel so much better when you leave him, I've learnt this from experience. I know I'm only young but that was a bit learning point for me. I hope everything works out for you, good luck x

Unknown said...

I want to thank DR INEGBEDION for the help of his spell, which i used in getting my wife back. we broke up when she found out that i was having an affair with another lady, ever since that period she left me and i have been trying to make her see reasons with me but non of my explanations worked, even all my friends tried talking to her but she never forgave me. last month i saw a post online sharing a testimony about DR INEGBEDION. i decided to gave it a try to see if his spell will work, i contacted him via the email address i saw in the testimony [ or], to my greatest surprise he replied me and ask me how he can be of help to me. I told him my problems and he said he is going to help me get her back. i did all he ask me to and behold after 7 working days she came back to me. Am so happy sharing this testimony with you all. Thank you DR INEGBEDION for your help,keep on your good work, keep saving broken homes and relationship, God will bless you, i have nothing to give you but to thank you for the unity,love and peace you brought to my family, you can also reach him with this mobile number +2347063628174, thanks again i remain engr cook

Unknown said...

I want to thank DR INEGBEDION for the help of his spell, which i used in getting my wife back. we broke up when she found out that i was having an affair with another lady, ever since that period she left me and i have been trying to make her see reasons with me but non of my explanations worked, even all my friends tried talking to her but she never forgave me. last month i saw a post online sharing a testimony about DR INEGBEDION. i decided to gave it a try to see if his spell will work, i contacted him via the email address i saw in the testimony [ or], to my greatest surprise he replied me and ask me how he can be of help to me. I told him my problems and he said he is going to help me get her back. i did all he ask me to and behold after 7 working days she came back to me. Am so happy sharing this testimony with you all. Thank you DR INEGBEDION for your help,keep on your good work, keep saving broken homes and relationship, God will bless you, i have nothing to give you but to thank you for the unity,love and peace you brought to my family, you can also reach him with this mobile number +2347063628174, thanks again i remain engr cook

Unknown said...

My passion for love and life has made me to take to the Internet to
warn Internet users particularly those in search of solution to their
problems to beware of and avoid comments about spell caster that can
use their magical power in helping you out with your problems. I don't
want anyone to be fooled because i was a victim of this fraudsters
who claimed to be spell casters. I am Wimberly William and i was having
a difficult time in my relationship as my wife couldn't give birth to a
child. Although my wife and i loved each other very much as it were.We kept on
hoping and for 6 years there weren't any sign of breakthrough .As days
goes by,i will always weep because at that time i was really down.
Even though my wife tried to always be by my side,only time would
tell as we couldn't cope with pressure coming from friends and she had to leave
me for another man. I was now left to face my problem alone even
though my mom would always talk to me and console me on phone. Things
went from bad to worse when i was sacked from the private organization
i was working because been happily married was a criteria that was
needed and that i was now lacking owing to my failure to have a child that has made my
wife leave me for another man leaving me single. I kept on
searching and hoping i would find a solution to my problem but there
wasn't any coming. I contacted lots of spell caster as i saw them on
the Internet but all were scams as they demanded money from me
frequently and nothing happened. i had to relocate from Texas city
United state to Jamaica where my mom was residing and also because i
became racially abused because of my color .I spent 4 months with my
mom and together we kept on looking for solution still to no avail.
There came a faithful day when i met my high school mate who knew i
was happily married and living in Texas city United state with my
wife and had to ask why i flew back to Jamaica. I explained my
problem to her and with sincere desire in wanting my problems solved
she led me to DR JAMIN ABAYOMI. Although i was doubtful but soon as i
explained my problem to him,he laughed and gave me a maximum of
72 hours for my wife to come back and for she go give birth. I
did all i was asked to do which included me traveling back to Texas
city United state. I traveled back to Texas city united state,on my
arrival during the early hours of the morning,my phone rang and guess
who?it was my wife who called asking for my forgiveness and saying
she was coming back home. She came few hours later and on her knees she
pleaded for forgiveness. Although it was a tough decision for me to
make because of all the pains i have been through. I love her and
needed her back so i had no option but to forgive her. We sat together
and while she was resting her head on my chest we had romantic
conversation and talked about things that we have never spoken about
and like husband and wife the urge came to have sex and we had sex for
a very long time that day. The next day which was still within the
72 hours given by DOCTOR JAMIN ABAYOMI she felt something different in her
body and immediately she went for a check up and to our greatest
surprise,she was pregnant. How possible could this be but it happened
and am very thankful also my skin color that made me racially abused
was changed to the preferred and now we are now happily married again
and no racial discrimination. All thanks to DR JAMIN ABAYOMI for his
THAT DR JAMIN ABAYOMI isn't on the Internet so kindly contact him via

Unknown said...

I have always be praying for a day i will see myself happy again with my husband but this unforgettable Dr Lababa has make the impossible possible in my home. He told me the simple truth that all that will be needed to my request granted will cost, i noticed he was not like others that ask money for items, for parcel and many more. The main reason i was confident about this will work is the things my co-work told me about DR LABABA. So i obeyed him and he gave me the assurance that all my problems are be over within 72hours, to my greatest surprise my husband that hardly talk to me or sleep the house bought me a car as a way to apologies for his wrong doings. All i can just tell anybody reading this is to stop paying money on daily basis to someone that have not given any evidence of hope and contact this DR LABABA on

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your amazing me! You are the brave for sticking the relationship out after the first cheating incident! Stick the relationship ! Get a ring sign a prenup and make that money don't let that man get in the way of your dreams (pun intended)
Sincerely love doc

Anonymous said...

I have seen a lot of testimony about his work on the the internet on blog pages and so on. I literally took a lip of faith to contact him and it turn out that it paid off. In my own case i didn't ask that him to make anyone fall in love with me or ask that my cheating wife comes back.This time i was at fault i messed up. I wasn't so surprise when she asked that we go our separate ways. It was right about that time i asked Akpe Osilama help me get my wife to love as she did before. I was able to provide the items he asked that i get for the spell and send then down to him.The spell does become effective at once cos just after i did what Akpe Osilama asked me to do with what he sent me, it took 16 hours before anything happened i even thought for a minute that i had met a fake spell caster but in the end i am happy with my wife again. I will also leave his contact for those who thing he can help them { }

Unknown said...


Herry Johnson said...

Whether you are having nightmares or completely incredible, idealistic dreams, we all want to understand them better. Dreams are so frequently studied because of their unimaginable and vast potential. Various scientists have sought to understand dreams and sleep patterns including Sigmund Freud. Here are options for dreams, dream moods, field of dreams, how to lucid dream, dream quotes and what do dreams mean.

Unknown said...

Well i had this dream just now about me and my long distance relationship boyfriend. The funny thing is his family resides here which is not true in real. So i'll shortcut it lol, i used his phone when he wasn't around, then i checked his inbox and i saw this conversation with a girl named Jamaica or something, then i found out my boyfriend is cheating on me. After we fought, i left his house, crying. After a few minutes he ran to chase me, he explained and we went back to his house and formally introduce me to his mom, had this family dinner. Lol what does that mean?

Anonymous said...

My husband has abandon me and the kids for the the past 8months now, and refuse to come back because he was hold on by a woman whom he just met, for that, my self and the kids has been suffering and it has been heel of a struggle, but i decide to do all means to make sure that my family come together as it use to, then i went online there i saw so many good talk about this spell caster whose email is so i had to contact him and in just 2days as he has promised, my husband came home and his behavior was back to the man i got married to.I cant thank the spell caster enough for what he did for me, i am so grateful. I even spoke to the spell caster over the phone, to confirm his existence. His email again

Unknown said...

Why wait till it get worst and broken?I was wondering before now why people talk more about him, before I tested and he proved his powers. Am offering praises to Doc Osaze, though I haven’t met him face to face, but his spiritual powers penetrated deep inside me. One thing I like most about him is he is “a man of one word”, he did accurate reading and cast the spell at the appropriate time, and I also got the result at the said time. Doc stated clearly that he is only interested in my happiness, after seeing my sleepless night.I promised to share my experience to people if he finally bring back my husband, which he did, I could have written badly about him if my husband didn’t comeback as promised or if the spell had negative effects on me or my family. My husband and I are now making plans so Dr. Osaze can come visit and bless our family.

Am so honored to share his email which I can recommend to people who want their lover back, email: (spirituallove@hotmail. com)

Isabela said...

I've been having the same dreams and visions but my best friend is also his best friend so I feel betrayed when I have those dreams

Isabela said...

I've been having the same dreams and visions but my best friend is also his best friend so I feel betrayed when I have those dreams

Alicia said...

I guess am the first person to share this good news about Priestess Kukuye this year, i am Alicia Scott from California, i want to say big thanks to Priestess Kukuye for helping me get pregnant for my husband when no doctor could help me. I have been to several hospital but they could not help me, they all told me that i can not conceive anymore because of problem with my ovaries, but i did not give up, i was hoping in God cos i know one day God will answer my prayers, the day i can never forgot in my life was the day i was searching online for pregnancy tip when one Salyers Kim directed me to Priestess Kukuye, i also contact her and explained everything to her and she said i should not worry. She directed me on what to do which i did and after 21 days, i was getting the symptoms of pregnancy. I went for a test and i was positive but i didn't believe it initially till i gave birth to my baby boy 2 months ago. I am really happy right now cause i don't know what to say anymore, but if you are out there reading this testimony and you are having this same problem of getting pregnant for your husband or boyfriend, you have nothing to worry about kindly contact this email address:
She will help you just the same way she has help me. All thanks to Priestess Kukuye for this great help she has rendered me.

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

I can't find anything to this but I dreamt of confessing to my boyfriend that I cheated..does that mean anything?

jenny said...

Before you can make your dreams come true, first you have to know what exactly you dream about. Dream interpretation will give you a handbook to solve your dream and what does it mean. To find your dream meaning is very important in your life, believe or not.

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

I had a dream that i caught my boyfriend cheating with my was an awful feeling..

Unknown said...

In our simple life, love plays a very specific role.Now we are able to make your love life healthy and it has no space for any type trouble. These all are possible with the help of AGBAZARA TEMPLE OF SOLUTION. He helped me cast a spell that brought my long lost lover back withing 48hours who left me for another woman. you can also contact him on ( ) or call him on +2348104102662 and be happy forever like am now with his experience.

from USA.

Unknown said...

Am from New York I recently saw a testimony about this spell caster,Dr igbodo before that, my problem was bad, A lady who have been dating me for 9 months departed from me because she fell in love with someone else, I was so hurt and depressed. so a friend suggested the idea of contacting a spell caster, which I never thought of myself. after i contacted at email: {} for him help, I asked him to do a love spell for me so that my lover can come back to me, but before the spell was done, I was a bit skeptical about his capacity to bring my lover back to me. Only 2 days after the spell was actually cast, my lover returned to me and since then, it seems that there is no more mistrust and no more lies between us. He doesn't cheat me now. Also, I feel no heartache anymore For that reason, I will never forget the good Dr Igbodo did for me, there is no word to say much how grateful to him for returning my lover back to me, I am gladly leaving a testimonial on this page, him mail: at {},

Unknown said...

I Albert Felix will forever be indebted to the great and powerful man Doctor Isibor for his great and mighty work he did for me , he saved me from an everlasting pain, and this is why i wont stop sharing his name on the internet, because he deserve more than this, if only i can express how i feel towards him. I got married to my wife for the past 5yrs now without a child and i became a laughing stock, people described me in different manner of ways of which i became worried and was not comfortable with the situation anymore, so i searched for a means to wipe the pain away from my eyes but all what i tried did not work out, until a friend of mine introduced me to the great and mighty man DOCTOR ISIBOR, i was not comfortable with the idea because men like him has failed me so many times, but my friend convinced me and told me i should have faith and trust him and do what so ever he tells me to do without a second thought and that all will be fine, i did all what he told me and behold my wife and i are happily blessed with two children , and from that day i made a promise that i will make him known all over the world, he is a nice man and he deals on all kinds of spell, you can contact him on his email:, or you can whatsapp him on his mobile number: +2348138900575, website:

Ramirez J said...

My girlfriend cheated on me about a year ago, which she says was her biggest mistake and all.. & I believe her just because of everything we had gone through but before that I had cheated on her so I kind of deserved it, we broke up for 2 months then got back together and haven't cheated since then but I still think about her cheating on me because it still hurts and last night I had a dream we were at a party type thing and the guy she cheated on me with was there and they were smiling at each other and flirting and stuff.. what does that mean? Is the dream true? It makes me wonder if it's still going on?

Unknown said...

All thanks to Madu Temple for all the support and help with the extreme bad situation with my marriage and Finance. We are working everything out now and I am so grateful for that. Want to thank you the Binding Love Spell from you worked out well. I am very grateful for all your efforts and hard work.
I will advice any one who is in love trauma , Financial difficulty, Child bearing and so many more , You could contact Dr. Madu to on his email: or his Whatsapp : +2348107547068 for his nice spell work.

Unknown said...

I Albert Felix will forever be indebted to the great and powerful man Doctor Isibor for his great and mighty work he did for me , he saved me from an everlasting pain, and this is why i wont stop sharing his name on the internet, because he deserve more than this, if only i can express how i feel towards him. I got married to my wife for the past 5yrs now without a child and i became a laughing stock, people described me in different manner of ways of which i became worried and was not comfortable with the situation anymore, so i searched for a means to wipe the pain away from my eyes but all what i tried did not work out, until a friend of mine introduced me to the great and mighty man DOCTOR ISIBOR, i was not comfortable with the idea because men like him has failed me so many times, but my friend convinced me and told me i should have faith and trust him and do what so ever he tells me to do without a second thought and that all will be fine, i did all what he told me and behold my wife and i are happily blessed with two children , and from that day i made a promise that i will make him known all over the world, he is a nice man and he deals on all kinds of spell, you can contact him on his email:, or you can whatsapp him on his mobile number: +2348138900575, website:

Unknown said...

I would like to advice any one out there who is experiencing love trauma , Financial difficulty, Child bearing , Miscarriages and so many more. All thanks to Dr. Madu for the good works he has been doing for my family and Friends, For I will always be grateful to Him for the his good works. He helped me with a spell that brought back my broken relationship and also i was able to have a baby after so many miscarriages. You could contact Dr. Madu to on his email: ( maduutemple @ gmail . com )or his Whatsapp : +234 8107 547 068 for his nice spell work.

Unknown said...

I had a dream that a doctor called me and told me that I had an std. And I had not been with any one but my husband so I knew he cheated. When I confrounted him he denied it. My whole family was there and his family and I was freaking out saying I know you did just tell me. Finally he admitted he did. And when he did my brother said he knew that he did that he was there when it happened. And they told me the girls name and said it wasn't a big deal and I was so mad. Why did I have this dream kind of confused

Anonymous said...

If you like you can me insane man for testifying and coming open to the public to glorify and rain praises upon the only one EXPERIENCED,ACCESSIBLE,TRUSTED AND MOST POWERFULLY spell caster called Ajayi Ololo for helping me use his reliable and sincere spell work to bring back to me my lovely wife after 8 months of separations. I and my wife had a misunderstanding that her family has to tell her to get a divorce which she did. Little did i know that she is really my wife and my woman. I know you reading this testimony will ask how did i know she is my woman and wife even after divorce. i get to know this because i always think of her anytime i find myself to be alone in the house and anytime i have that thinking i will always want to drink to forget about her, even with the drinks to clear her out of my brain the reflections of her beauty will always flash through my mind that i dont know what to do to get her back home. On thinking how to bring her back home for us to leave happily together and call off the divorce i went to marriage advisers and also register for how you need to get your broken marriage restored back. I spent two week on the seminar were we were always thought about the steps to take to restore a broken marriage back but to me it seems not to be helpful in anyway. my wife dont longer pick my calls and never wanted to see me again, and this was the woman that use to love,care,respect and adore me before. Her decision that resulted to our divorce was just a misup that could be easily be corrected after much apology to her that it will never repeat itself again. I know she getting to know that i was having affair outside our marriage is enough but my wife i use to know could not has gone so far even with the conviction of her family to do it. As for me i has a second a thought to know that there must be some enemies that must have been manipulating my wife against me and with that i need a help to rid of the enemy that could have entered her to make end our marriage even with much plead from my own side. on the point for searching and looking for help my mother said there is a man that she will refer me to help me. That it means am still in love with my wife since you are still thinking about her. On hearing this from my own mother helping me out on the adventure to get help to return back home my wife,i was so glad and happy. I felt so shock on the help she suggest that i should email ( for help that he is a spell caster that i know for help and reliable work because it was this same spell caster that gave me drugs to be healed and cured of cancer and taken care off. not on till my lovely mother told me that spell casting is harmless i never believed. She stressed on that the only spell caster that i can get my help is Dr Ajayi Ololo that uses his spell casting to make your lover realize the love you have for her and to kill and destroy any human begin involved on the process i never knew there is a man like Dr Ajayi Ololo that is been talked about all over the states and countries.

Olivia McFly said...

Sincerely i was so crushed when my Husband of 6 years left me, to be with another woman.The pains was just too much for me to bear that I couldn't just bear it anymore. So i had to reached out to the Internet for help until i found out that Dr. Richie Email: was the real deal.. I had tried the whole lot I knew, and with your spells, blessings and extraordinary magical powers, you did all the work for me, which you have guaranteed me positive result in 48 hours, my Ex Husband came back to me and he was remorseful for the whole lot he has done And now my life is balanced and i am happy again. Dr. Richie you do a great service to people. Friends in case you need the help of Dr.Richie kindly mail him on Sir, i will continue recommend you all over the world. Olivia McFly from Finland.

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

Love spell came out tremendously, I highly recommending for whatever problems you are experiencing in your relationship. He is the real deal. his love spell is absolutely Robinson buckler or call him +19715126745
Elizabeth kings, USA

Unknown said...

I was in a relationship for almost three years, We were working on the same company but not on the same building. She was on night shift, i’m on morning. I got promoted and it took me almost three months to adjust the new work load, schedule, task, etc. While I was busy, she also attended a fire brigade training. We seldom date. When i have problems, i talk to her but we always argue because of different opinions. One she called me and said she wanted a break up. That night, i wasn’t able to sleep. I realized everything that i didn’t have time for her and didn’t have time to care for her anymore, it was my fault.. We talked, i asked her the reasons why it has to end. I cried and the heartbreak was unbearable. I reached out for one week visiting her everyday in her house. The first week all i see was a cold and frozen heart. Like a heart made of stone. No feelings anymore. Until a friend of mine introduced me to DOCTOR ISIBOR, he is indeed a great and mighty man,he is true to his words and down to earth despite his unimaginable powers,he told me what to do and everything went as planned, my lover came back to me begging and settled with me and was happy again because of the reunion. I will forever be greatful to him, you can contact him on his email @,website:

Unknown said...

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Melissa Alvin said...

I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called DR. LUKAS, For what he has just done for me , this man has just brought back my lost Ex Husband to me with his great spell, I was married to my husband and we were together for a long time and we loved ourselves but when I was unable to give him a child, he left me for 1 year and told me he can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get him back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave me his contact email(LUKASMORALOVESPELL@GMAIL.COM) then you won't believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost hsband back to me, you can also contact him via email: LUKASMORALOVESPELL@GMAIL.COM

Mayor Vargas said...

This article is dedicated to the Doctor Osemu Okpamen. I have been married with my wife for 5 years and recently she broke up with me and it hurt me deeply when she told me to leave her alone and that she does not love me anymore when i was always faithful and honest to her. I tried all the ways to get her back buying her what she wants like i always did and she still left me heart broken and she even has a new boyfriend which destroyed me even more until a friend of mine from high school directed me to this genuine spell Doctor called Osemu Okpamen. This man changed my life completely. I followed everything he told me to do and my wife came back begging for me back. I had faith in everything he told me and everything was true. Also he was there every moment until i got my happiness back and he also provides spells that cures impotence, bareness, diseases such as HIV/AID E.T.C. You can contact him via email at { } he will help you in anything. Call me for more info +1 (914)-517-3229.

Unknown said...

I had a dream where I was in my house with my girl friend *been together for 2 yrs* and her friend (guy) I've met him before and he would be with us when we have a group hang out with all our friends, I guess you can say he's my friend too, he's chill and all but still don't trust him, anyways I was in my living room watching tv and I see my gf and her friend at the garage talking and laughing which didn't mean anything to me at the time, then all of a sudden I woke up knowing I was laying on my living room carpet covered with a blanket to my head & toe, I didn't know why I was cover and then I remembered "where is my gf and her friend" and I looked around and it was dark and then I heard noises at the garage, the door was open but dark. so I got up and walked towards the garge slowly and I started to hear moaning and so I peaked to the garage and I see my gf and her friend having sex and the weird is that I can see them both the way they are positioned. I was sad mad hurt when I saw that and than I woke up with my eyes all watery. What does this mean ?

Keller said...

My lover of five years left me for another woman. I was hurt and depressed, a friend suggested the idea to contact a spell caster, which I would have never thought of myself. I contacted a few of them but was the only person who could restore my relationship in a blink of an eye. he was understanding, replied all my emails promptly and patiently. at first I was a bit skeptical about his capacity to bring my man back to me. but it was so surprising that it took him Only 3 days restore my relationship, my lover returned to me and since then, it seems that there is no more mistrust and no more lies between us. For that reason, I am gladly leaving a testimonial on this page, which I believe will help solve many relationship case.

Dr Ogudugu Solution Temple said...

Life is good when you have your love ones around you, I am saying this because when i had issues with my lover i never seen life as a good thing but thanks to Dr. Ogudugu of OGUDUGU TEMPLE, for helping me to cast a spell that brought my lover back to me within the space of 48hours. My husband left me for another woman after 7YEARS of marriage,but Dr.Ogudugu help me cast a spell that brought him back to me within 48hours. I am not going to tell you more details about myself rather i will only advise those who are having issues in there relationship or marriages to contact DR. OGUDUGU TEMPLE through these details via;
(GREATOGUDUGU@GMAIL.COM) or call him on (+2348142250751).

Unknown said...

I was married to my husband for 8years and we were both bless with three children, living together as one love, until this year when things was no longer the way the was [when he lost his job]. But when he later gets a new job 6 months after, he stated sleeping outside our matrimonial home. Only for me to find out that he was having an affair with the lady that gave him the job. since that day, when i called him, he don’t longer pick up my calls and nothing since to come out good. Yet my husbands just still keep on seeing the new girl friend till priest omigodo cast a spell for me, now he is with me and my kids only. And i am happy with my family. he now love me and treat me well his via email. or call+2349073875103, Whatsapp Number +2348079367204

Unknown said...

Priest Omigodo
I was Looking for Spells to Stop My Divorce and Save My Marriage. Now because of you I am living a happy married life and also my love life is restored. Thanks for Saving My Marriage. Your love and protection marriage spells have done wonders in my entire life. I will always run to you for help, I believe your ancestral powers are beyond human imagination, if you need his help you can contact him on his email adress: his cell phone on+2349073875103, Whatsapp Number +2348079367204 "

Unknown said...

My wife was filing a divorce because she found out i was cheating, i was confuse until i came acrose priest omigodo online who help me to stop the process the divorce case with his powerful spell in just a day contact the great spell caster for help on OMIGODOSHRINE@HOTMAIL.CO.UK or call his number on +2349073875103, Whatsapp Number +2348079367204

Cindy said...

my husband was always cheating on me and even spends nights out. sometimes he even leave for the entire week end, pretending that he has work, but i know he just go meet women, my life was lame until, i asked (manifest spell cast@gmail. com) to cast a spell for me. so that my husband can be a good man and after his spell, my husband changed automatically, he now spends much more time with me and the kids and we're a family again.

Unknown said...

Strangly i can remember 2 dreams from last night and both involved my gf cheating, i have a feeling in my stomach she is cheating... What do i do?

Unknown said...

Five Reasons Why I Can Say Love Spells And other Kinds Of Spell Works

Reading about spell is not new to anyone who uses the internet frequently.More accurately, most of us depend greatly on the internet for information's and ways to fix things.It can be relationship related, or finance related or any kind of problem you can think of.So in all words we try everything we read to fix it which might just include spell casting.I know this sounds crazy but believe me spell casting is just as real as any other thing you can think of. It just turned out that the internet is flooded with a lot of fake making it is very difficult to separate the "shaft from the wheat" fake from real so here are five reason that i think will convince positively about spell casting

Empirical Evidence
Even before any of us reading this article was brought into exist those before us and before them and before those before them relied on spell for healing, protection, blessing and all other thing and guess what? they never complained about the failure maybe because there where no fakes then or those who asked the spell casters help completed the process rather that not seeing it through to the end.

Paranormal That Science Can't Explain
A lot supernatural thing happens around us.We are either too blind to see it or we just let science explain it for us.We think anything that science can't explain is left to be thought as nothing.

There are a lot of those all over the internet.Yes, we can say not all are true but yet again, we can't say that they are all not true because we can never be sure unless we go through the complete process that is required form us.

My Testimony
A lot of you reading this might say am sick or crazy or what ever you may please just describe how discontent you are with this article but am glad even one has his or her right to their personal opinion which this is.It can only be understood by those who see reasons with me.I was in a messed up situation and the only help i could get was from a spell caster and if i have to, will seek their help all over again because even if we refuse to believe,this world is bigger that what our eyes can see and what our senses can feel.

Even if this sounds religious, it will interest you to know that it is not religious because contrarily to what we all know, Magic or sorcery or spell making has nothing to do with religion its more like the understanding of deep nature that goes beyond what we see and what we feel.If it is right to believe that the earth rotates because some man made telescope tell us so,why is it wrong to believe magic sorcery or spells let us gain access to deep mother nature when nature expose itself everyday.

This is not meant for everyone to read but if you do,and you want a spell caster find one carefully and if i would,i advice you contact DR UZOR with this OK *** use this in the usual email format just like your own email format*** ( )My husband was cheating on me with my friend and i almost lost him till i was able to contact dr.uzor for help, He was a great helper, he saved my marriage from the shame and the embarr[@]ssment, He restored my marriage just as he promised, my husband does not cheat on me anymore, who wants to save his/her relationship should contact email; ,,website:

( )

Anonymous said...

I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster when i went to Africa to Execute some business..He is really powerful..My husband divorce me with no reason for almost 4 years and i tried all i could to have him back cos i really love him so much but all my effort did not work out.. we met at our early ageat the college and we both have feelings for each other and we got married happily for 5 years with no kid and he woke up one morning and he told me he’s going on a divorce..i thought it was a joke and when he came back from work he tender to me a divorce letter and he packed all him loads from my house..i ran mad and i tried all i could to have him back but all did not work out..i was lonely for almost 4 years…So when i told the spell caster what happened he said he will help me and he asked for him full name and him picture..i gave him that..At first i was skeptical but i gave it a try cos have tried so many spell casters and there is no solution…so when he finished with the readings,he got back to me that he’s with a woman and that woman i the reason why he left me…The spell caster said he will help me with a spell that will surely bring him back.but i never believe all this…he told me i will see a positive result within 3 days..3 days later,he called me himself and came to me apologizing and he told me he will come back to me..I cant believe this,it was like a dream cos i never believe this will work out after trying many spell casters and there is no solution..The spell caster is so powerful and after that he helped me with a pregnancy spell and i got pregnant a month later..we are now happy been together again and with lovely kid..This spell caster has really changed my life and i will forever thankful to him..he has helped many of my friends too with similar problem too and they are happy and thankful to him..This man is indeed the most powerful spell caster have ever experienced in life..Am Posting this to the Forum in case there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way can reach him here: CONTACT THIS POWERFUL SPELL CASTER TODAY VIA EMAIL:

Mrs. Love said...

I just woke up from a nap crying cause for some reason I don't know why would my mom be in my dream. I dreamed watching my husband how he was going in the shower while my mom was in and could see them clearly and how I was just burning up in fire. Don't know if it might do that lately my husband tells me he wants to shower with me. But I literally woke up crying.

Mrs. Love said...

I woke up crying also forgot to add but don't know if it also might have to do that my mind is picking my brain of him talking and flirting at work

Anonymous said...

Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks, Am ashley Tom from AZ, USA. I want to use this golden medium to appreciate Prophet Abulele a great spell caster for helping me retrieving back my relationship with my ex boyfriend when he ended and turned back on me for quite a long time now.I embarked on a search online for a solution to my problem because i love him so much that i will not allow anyone to take him out of my life,luckily for me i met Prophet Abulele on-line with his email: who performed a spell for me and within 48 hours after the spell had been cast I receive a text from my ex saying that he is sorry for the pains and tears that he had caused me and that he will not do such thing to me again in his life. I was surprised but later accepted him back again. Anyone that is in the same line of problem or different one that want to contact a spell caster should happily email him: I am so happy Using this post to say a big thank you and to also encourage people to contact for him for any problem.

Unknown said...

Men and women can't be best friends unless they're in a romantic relationship even if she's extremely unattractive etc, you'll always get to modified version of your bf while she gets the whole 9 yards, emotionally. So your dreams might be you telling yourself duh! That's a dumb situation to put yourself in.

Unknown said...

You should ask yourself why you're concerned with who your ex is dating

VICKY said...

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ShainaRae said...

Every now and then I have a dream that I have to fight the girl who my b husbands been cheating on me with I my dream. Except this time the girl was pregnant with another man's baby. And my actual soon was in the dream too.
Usually my son isn't in the dream, and usually it's the one girl. But lately in my dreams its been different girls, and this last one was really different. Why do I even have these dreams? And why was this one so different?

carolynwayne said...

This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me..My name is Carolyn Wayne. and I am based in London , UK. My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me with our three children. I felt like my life was about to end,and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called papa Justus who i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called Grace,she testified about how papa Justus brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she drop papa Justus e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give papa a try.

I contacted him via email and explained my problems to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. papa Justus is really a talented and gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man…If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try the great papa Justus today, he might be the answer to your problems. Here’s his contact:
Thank you great Justus. Contact him for the following:

(1)If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3)You want to be promoted in your office.
(4)You want women/men to run after you.
(5)If you want a child.
(6)[You want to be rich.
(7)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
(8)If you need financial assistance.
(9)Herbal care
10)Help bringing people out of prison
(11)Marriage Spells
(12)Miracle Spells
(13)Beauty Spells
(15)Attraction Spells
(16)Evil Eye Spells
(17)Kissing Spell
(18)Remove Sickness Spells
(21) Charm to get who to love you.
(22)Business spell.
(23) Find your long lost family.
Contact him today on:
what-apps; +2347033354868.

Natasha Lynn said...

So, these past two nights I've been having these dreams, my first dream was about my eldest brother. He had cheated on his girlfriend that he's been with for two years and I had acted with violence towards this girl in my dream and I woke up. Now just last night I had a dream of my second eldest, him cheating on his girlfriend (they've been together for a year) but it was online where he was talking to this girl I remember being very upset towards him. I don't know what this means, having dreams that both of my brothers are cheating on their girlfriends back to back, please help me understand more. (I am not in a relationship I am single but, I had just broken up with someone that I was with for a year)

Unknown said...

I would love to share my experience to every mother and to those who wished to be a mother someday. I have been in marriage for 13 yrs with no child of my own and my husband loved me so much that he never do things without me. We do almost everything together and that made my marriage so romantic and interesting for me but i have always worried about having my own kids even if it's just one. My husband never seem to be worried or talked about it and it bothered me so much. I am really short of words of what happened later but i will try to put it in a short note because it's my greatest joy on earth. Few years back my husband fell into the hand of a gold digger who tried to take him away from me. This lady manipulated my husband and he took her side and left home to stay with her for almost a year i was alone crying day by day waiting for him to call me and come back home until it got so bad that I couldn't bear it anymore and i was about giving up on him because of these online Fake spell casters and Scams who rip off my money. This is certainly a shocking and genuine living Testimony of mine and it does goes on right now in my life. I came across some suggestions and i was convinced to work with this man after i expressed what i have been passing through to DR MUNA. He told me what i needed to know and requested for an ancient items he needed to work for me I cant get those items myself and i sent him some money for him to help me and hoping this is another Scam. But when DR MUNA called me and told me he is done with my work. My husband came back home with a surprised apology gift. I had him back and right till this moment we have loved each other again more and more and i am 6 months pregnant and i will be having my third child soon. This is an extraordinary blessing and to all soon to be a mother I am telling you nothing but my true life story and here his email ID Whatsapp contact +2348071660388

Anonymous said...

I am out here to speed this good news to the entire world on how I got my ex Husband back.. I was separate with my husband for the pass 6 year now and I wasn't satisfied i needed to get my husband back because the life of loneliness was so terrible for me and my 3 kids I searched about some possible spell caster that can bring back my Husband and i then come across Dr.ZUKU i saw a comment about Dr.ZUKU how he bring lovers together with his spell caster I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my spell he ask for some information which i sent to him and also told me that we need to buy some items for the spell to work for me for good and which i sensed the money to him after 48 hours my husband call me and start bagging me for forgiveness for all that happens i am so happy right now that we back again as one family for any one that may need the help of the great spell caster you can contact or call or text +16177296273 ...

Anonymous said...

Am lucy i really want to thank Dr Zack for restoring our relationship back, Now we are living happily ever after. you can contact him via; Email: or WHATSAPP...+1(857)325-5437

Unknown said...

I’ve been married to my husband for 5 years now and I was at a total loss as to what was going wrong with our marriage. He just seemed to stop loving me. One of the EBook of Doctor Casera Zaza that I read online helped me to save my marriage life, I’ve totally changed the way I approach the situation as I followed the instructions given to me by Doctor Casera Zaza it was not easy during the last two months been a Breast Cancer patient but the turnaround in our relationship has been simply amazing for my husband is back and the love and affection he's showering on me is so loving and I highly recommend to all the great Doctor Casera Zaza for he's able and capable to help in any situation. This is his contact for anyone out there that needs his help also. E-mail: [ ] OR Call/text: +1 (518) 460-6400. He can also cure diseases like Hiv, Aids, Herpes Virus, Cancer, E.T.C.

Unknown said...

God is able and capable to do all things with the help of Doctor Casera Zaza. I’ve been married to my husband for 5 years now and I was at a total loss as to what was going wrong with our marriage. He just seemed to stop loving me. One of the EBook of Doctor Casera Zaza that I read online helped me to save my marriage life, I’ve totally changed the way I approach the situation as I followed the instructions given to me by Doctor Casera Zaza it was not easy during the last two months been a Breast Cancer patient but the turnaround in our relationship has been simply amazing for my husband is back and the love and affection he's showering on me is so loving and I highly recommend to all the great Doctor Casera Zaza for he's able and capable to help in any situation. If anyone out there needs his help, get in touch with him via Email at; [ ] OR Call/text: +1 (518) 460-6400 for urgent response. Doctor Casera Zaza also cure diseases like HIV, Aids, Herpes Virus, Cancer, E.T.C..

Roselyn said...

What would i have done if not for Dr Blessing, my man of 3 years started acting strange when he got a new job in new York, i thought it was because of new job after two months i find out he has been cheating on me with his working mate i tried talking to him because i loved him and something in me told me he was not himself as my man loved me and our kid so much, in this process of trying to talk to him about this other woman my man pushed me out of the house , i was xo xo depressed that i wanted to file for divorce, but my mom ask me not to go for divorce so i tried holding myself even when i wasn't happy during this time, i started looking out for solutions everywhere, but non worked , until the day my aunt introduce me to this man called Dr blessing,of i explained my situation to him and he said to me if i believed in him ? i said to him and he told me to get somethings done which i did as usual , and he told me my man was under black magic from another woman and i said yes i suspected he was, but he finally said i should wait for two days that my man will call or text me , i believed him because i know my aunt will never mislead me , i was amazed when i received messages of apology from my man after two days i quickly told Dr blessing about this and he said that was just the beginning and that was how me and my husband are reunite again today and am carrying our second child inside me now, so with all this wonderful and amazed work done for me by Dr blessing i promise to share and inform the world about him because i know many are out there passing through hardship in their relationship , and i also introduced Dr blessing to my friends here and he did same good result for them all so am convince that with your relationship can be saved again
you can reach out to him via his email ,, Whats,App. +1(951) 409 0694

Unknown said...

Alright so I dreamt that I found out my wife had cheated on me with this guy we had a 3way with, now I have never raised my had to her or hit her but in my dream I hit her open handed on the side of her head out of anger now I don't know what this means because I just found out that they are talking again but only as friends

Unknown said...

ATTENTION.My name is Wealthy. i was married for five years without any child, because of this, my husband started acting very strange at home, coming home lately and not spending time with me anymore. and because of this, my husband divorced me. So i became very sad and lost hope in life because my doctor told me there was no way for me to get pregnant this really made life so hard for me and my friend told me about Dr.Omani from the Internet, how they have helped people with this similar problem that i was going through so i contacted them and explained them. Dr Omani cast a reunite spellto bring back my husband and it was a miracle three days later my husband came back to me and apologized for all he has done and told me he is fully ready to support me in any thing i want,a few months later i got pregnant and gave birth to twins (boys) we are happy with ourselves. Thanks, Dr.Omani for saving my relationship and for also saving others too. continue your good work, If you are interested to contact him and testify this blessing like me, the great spell caster You can Contact him now for your relationship or marriage problems or whatsap him +233-559-420-663

(1)If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3)You want to be promoted in your office.
(4)If you want a child.
(5)[You want to be rich.
(6)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
(7)If you need financial assistance.
(8)Help bringing people out of prison
(9)Marriage Spells
(11)Attraction Spells
(12)Evil Eye Spells
(13)Kissing Spell
(14)Remove Sickness Spells
(17)Business spell.
(18) Find your long lost family.
Contact him today on:
Whatsap; +233-559-420-663.

Elizabeth Obrain said...

I suspected some awkward movement from my husband. He will come late from his place of work, talk to his concubine late at night, acting like he doesn't care about me. I requested for the interference of this private investigator whom I contact via gmail (cyberhack005) he helped me gain access to his phone which enable me to spy and control his phone remotely because I need a strong proof for divorce. If you find yourself in this situation do not hesitate to contact him

Amy Grun said...

Cheating is not a good thing to do. If you have a cheating spouse it's of course better to use spy app. Although you can prevent such situation. If you want to find an answer for your question visit

Diana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diana said...

Two nights ago I had a dream about cheating on my girlfriend. Last night before bed I was telling her and she said she had the same exact dream however she was cheating on me. What does this mean? It scares me because we both had the same dream the same night.

carolynwayne said...

This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me..My name is CAROLINE WAYNE. and I am based in NEW YORK , USA. My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me with our three children. I felt like my life was about to end,and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called papa Justus who i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called Grace,she testified about how papa Justus brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she drop papa Justus e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give papa a try.

I contacted him via email and explained my problems to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. papa Justus is really a talented and gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man…If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try the great papa Justus today, he might be the answer to your problems. Here is his contact:
Thank you great Justus. Contact him for the following:

(1)If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3)You want to be promoted in your office.
(4)You want women/men to run after you.
(5)If you want a child.
(6)[You want to be rich.
(7)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
(8)If you need financial assistance.
(9)Herbal care
10)Help bringing people out of prison
(11)Marriage Spells
(12)Miracle Spells
(13)Beauty Spells
(15)Attraction Spells
(16)Evil Eye Spells
(17)Kissing Spell
(18)Remove Sickness Spells
(21) Charm to get who to love you.
(22)Business spell.
(23) Find your long lost family.

Email him at:
Whats-app him at: +2347033354868

Unknown said...

Life has been so miserable after my girlfriend broke up with me 6 months ago. I never thought she could hurt me just like that. I realized how much i loved my girlfriend when she ended our relationship and i had to look for options to make sure i get her back to myself for i wasn't living fine anymore. I was directed to a Spell Doctor known as Lord Doctor Zakuza by my cousin who he claimed he helped him in winning a lottery. I made contact with the Doctor and i was surprised and amazed when my girlfriend came back to me with her knees on the floor pleading to me for forgiveness to take her back as my lover. I thought i was dreaming because all this happened just within 48 hours and it happened as the spell Doctor as said. For that wonderful encounter with this man, i took a decision on my path that i will let the world know about Lord Doctor Zakuza for he's able and capable to solve any problems. Get in touch with him now. Here's his E-mail:

ose said...

i never believe that there still exist a real death spell caster after all this years of disappointment from the enormous spammers on the Internet who go about scamming people, until i was opportune to meet peter wise popularly known as the Noble man, through a close friend Mr Bernard who he (peter Wise) had helped before ,when i contacted him with his email via ,i explain how my ex have been giving me problem in my marriage , she never allowed me a moment of peace,and i need to end it by killing her ,and i don't want to make use of assassin because it will be risky so i needed to do it in a spiritual way that's why i decided to contact him , he assured me not to worry as i have contacted the right person at the right time, i co-operated with him and in less than a week my ex was dead , she slept and never woke up all thanks to peter Wise indeed he is really a noble man ...
you can contact peter Wise for any death spell, such as to kill your superior in the office and take his or her place , death spell to kill your father and inherit his wealth ,death spell to kill anyone who have scammed you in the past ,spell for increase in salaries , spell for promotion at the office , spell to get your ex lover back, if things is not working well in your life then you need to contact peter wise .
call or whats-app him via +2349059610643

Unknown said...

Breakup Or Divorce Is Not A Solution To Your Marriage problems!!!! !!! is certainly the best, and his result is 100% guarantee.
My Husband is back home now and we are joyfully living together as one good family and i thank the powerful spell caster Lord Masuka. He is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that good spell casters still exist and Lord Masuka, is one of the good spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, My Husband now love me more than before i am so Happy.and my Husband have cancel the Divorce with the help of Lord Masuka..If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell That Truly Works Fast, I Suggest You ,,,,"CONTACT Via Email ,,,,, !!!! You Can Also Call Him +2347053105287

Unknown said...

No one could have ever made me believe that I would be a testimonial of Dr. Isi Spell powers. I was the world’s biggest skeptic. I never believed in magic spells or anything like that, but I was told by a reliable source (a very close co-worker) that Dr. Isi is a very dedicated, gifted, and talented person, and after much “cajoling,” she (my co-worker) got me to visit this website via It was one of the best things I have ever done. My lovelife was in shambles; I had the been through two divorces and was on the brink of a third. I just couldn’t face another divorce and I wanted to try harder to make our relationship work, but my husband didn’t seem to care. So, with nothing but my pride to lose, I checked it out. I was flabbergasted. This man is for REAL. He did whatever magic he does, and behold – within FEW DAYS later, I had my husband back! It was like a miracle! He suddenly wanted to go to marriage counseling, and we’re doing very, very well, on the road to recovery! Love and Many Blessings Back to you Dr. Isi! /

alenna alison said...

I feel so blessed again in my marriage after Doctor ODUMODU brought back my husband that separated with me for one good year. Am ALENNA by name from ROMANIA. Even though i have mouths all over my body, it won't be enough to thank Doctor ODUMODU for his help upon my life. My husband separated with me for one year and have been in pains and agony without him. So, i searched for help everywhere but nothing worked out not until i meant Doctor ODUMODU. I explained my situation to him and he promised that my husband will get back to me within 48 hours as far that my heart still beats for him. I believed in him and he prepared a spell for me and my husband called me exactly when Doctor ODUMODU said. He pleaded and said he needs me back and now we are living happily again for the past 9 months. Everyone out there reading my article that needs help should contact

Unknown said...

My name is Charlie Oscar from UK...i have tried seeking help from different spell caster before to help me win a lottery and to get my wife back but they ended up taking my money without helping me..I was confused and heart broken because i really needed to win the lottery and also to get my wife back so one day in my office i told my friend my situation and he told me how Lord Bubuza help me him with his spell to win a lottery so i immediately contacted him and Lord Bubuza responded and told me that he will help me with his spell to win the lottery and also get my wife back within 12 to 16 hours...At first i thought it was a joke due to what other spell caster did to me but to my greatest surprise after i did everything Lord Bubuza said, i won the lottery and my wife came back to me begging me to forgive and accept her back.I have never seen a man who keeps to his word like Lord Bubuza, everything happen within 12 to 16 hours just as he told me...Do you need any help???contact Lord Bubuza now via email: or via website: or via WhatsApp: +1 518 558 5109

Anonymous said...

My wife was so smooth at hiding her infidelity and I had no proof for months, I saw a recommendation about a Private investigator  and decided to give him a try.. the result was incredible because all my cheating wife’s text messages, whatsapp, facebook and even phone conversations was linked directly to my cellphone. ( ) Mr James helped me put a round-the-clock monitoring on her and I got concrete evidence and gave it to my lawyer..if your wife is an expert at hiding her cheating adventures contact Mr James

Anonymous said...

My wife was so smooth at hiding her infidelity and I had no proof for months, I saw a recommendation about a Private investigator  and decided to give him a try.. the result was incredible because all my cheating wife’s text messages, whatsapp, facebook and even phone conversations was linked directly to my cellphone. ( ) Mr James helped me put a round-the-clock monitoring on her and I got concrete evidence and gave it to my lawyer..if your wife is an expert at hiding her cheating adventures contact Mr James

Unknown said...

I’ve been seeing my fiance for over three year and yet the physicality is somewhat lacking. We see one another roughly every 5 days, she says she doesn’t want to rush in and neither do I, although I would like to see some progression. There is some future faking on her part which I am agreeable to, but then not coming up with firm arrangements. I know she’s been out of a long term relationship for a four years now and that it ended ‘messily’ in her words. I do not know the details since she has not felt able to tell me, citing that she ‘needs to be in the right mood for our marriage. I have not pushed this too much however as she clearly doesn’t feel able to talk about it. This then coupled with the lack of total physicality would seem to indicate she is not ready totally for a relationship. She says I need to be patient, but I was wondering whether she is really being honest with me and our relationship because i loved her so much and her past seems to take her away from me. I knew a friend who had similar situation and asked for advise where i ended up with a love spell with Dr MUNA from I had no regret at all taken the step but its improved my love life and we got married expecting our first child any moment soon Whatsapp and phone number for DR MUNA +2348071660388..

Unknown said...

I’ve been seeing my fiance for over three year and yet the physicality is somewhat lacking. We see one another roughly every 5 days, she says she doesn’t want to rush in and neither do I, although I would like to see some progression. There is some future faking on her part which I am agreeable to, but then not coming up with firm arrangements. I know she’s been out of a long term relationship for a four years now and that it ended ‘messily’ in her words. I do not know the details since she has not felt able to tell me, citing that she ‘needs to be in the right mood for our marriage. I have not pushed this too much however as she clearly doesn’t feel able to talk about it. This then coupled with the lack of total physicality would seem to indicate she is not ready totally for a relationship. She says I need to be patient, but I was wondering whether she is really being honest with me and our relationship because i loved her so much and her past seems to take her away from me. I knew a friend who had similar situation and asked for advise where i ended up with a love spell with Dr MUNA from I had no regret at all taken the step but its improved my love life and we got married expecting our first child any moment soon Whatsapp and phone number for DR MUNA +2348071660388..

Unknown said...

GREETINGS everyone out there.. my name is (KEN LORA) I AM FROM CANADA i will never forget the help DR.WILLIAM render to me in my marital life. i have been married for 8 years now and my husband and i love each other very dearly . after 6 years of our marriage my husband suddenly change he was having an affair with a lady outside, my husband just came home one day he pick up his things and left me and the kids to his mistress outside at this time i was confuse not knowing what to do again because i have lost my husband and my marriage too. i was searching for help in the internet, i saw many people sharing testimony on how DR.WILLIAM help them out with their marital problems so i contacted the email of DR.WILLIAM i told him my problem and i was told to be calm that i have come to the right place were i can get back my husband within the next 48hours to my greatest surprise my husband came to my office begging me on his knees that i should find a place in my heart to forgive him,that he will never cheat on me again. i quickly ask him up that i have forgiven him.friends your case is not too hard why don't you give DR.WILLIAM a try they work surprises because i know they will help you to fix your relationship with your ex partner. contact him OR you can also reach him via whatsapp on +2347063809857

Leon Adrian said...

Hi Everyone
Am so full with JOY sharing this testimony about the GOD sent to my life Dr GOODLUCK, who will believe that a herb can cure HIV&AIDS i never believe that this will work i have spend a lot when getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, what i was waiting for is death because i was broken, one day i hard about this great man who is well know of HIV, cancer cure, i decided to email him, unknowingly to me that this will be the end of the HIV&AIDS in my body, he prepare the herb for me, and give me instruction on how to take it, at the end of the 17days after i took the cure as he told me to, he then told me to go to the hospital for a check up, and i went, surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me negative, i thought it was a joke, i went to other hospital was also negative, then i took my friend who was also suffering from HIV and CANCER to the DOCTOR whos name is Dr.Goodluck, after the treatment she was also confirm both disease free . He also have the herb to cure. (1) CANCER, (2) PENIS ENLARGEMENT, (3) HIV&AIDS, (4) URINARY TRACT INFECTION, (5) YOU WANT YOUR EX BACK OR WANT TO STOP DIVORCE OR SAVE YOUR RELATIONSHIP HE CAN HELP YOU ALSO, (6) IMPOTENCE, (7) BARENESS/INFERTILITY, (8) DIARRHEA, (9) ASTHMA, (10) DIABETES, (11) HERPS ETC, please i want every one with this virus to be free and be cured, that is why am dropping his email address and Whatsapp number for easy contact to him. contact him on his Email: or Add him up on Whats-app: +2348138654465,you can also visit his website: do not hesitate to email him, he is a good and a great man. Dr.GOODLUCK thank you for saving my life, and I promise I will always and forever testify for your good work..

Here’s his contact,
Email him at:
Call or Whats-app him: +2348138654465

Unknown said...

i suspected my hubby of cheating via we chat app and whats app i went ahead in contacting webmanhackers157 @ to hack his phone at first i was skeptical about this but i got excellent result after paying for the hack . thanks guys.

rita said...

my name is wainel i live in Canada when my boyfriend let me because of a little girl that work with him i never knew that the girl was dating my man till i meet than in a hotel center i try to ask my man what is happily he told me that is over between us i thought it was a joke till my man drove me away from the house. i cried and cried but nobody to help me out i went and stay with my friend that introduce me and said i should contact dr oduma that is a great man that he can help me out when i contacted him on odumaspelltemple0@gmail.comhe said all my problems is over that he will cast a spell on me so that my man can come back to me in just three day it was like a joke in my eyes to cute the story short after the casting of the spell my man came to my house and knee down and start begging that he dose not know what came over him that he need me back to his life that is when i know that Dr oduma is a real spell caster. without any side effect am happily married to my man with two kids,if you are having any problem presently contact Dr oduma to help you out with it.via or call +2347055176615
wanel from USA

Unknown said...

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Joy ofeimu said...

Dr Jack, Here is my testimony from a Heart Warming indebted Client (Joy Ofeimu from United states)

I will try to make this short as possible. In July I found out that my husband of almost 17yrs was having an affair and he actually brought this woman to my home. I was devastated to say the least. I met my husband 18yrs ago and he swept me off my feet and we got married 11 months after we met. We had a great marriage (I thought) we have two beautiful boys. In 2015 we moved 800 miles away to a very small town due to his job. I quit my high paying job at a company that I had worked at for 14yrs to move away from my family and job/career to be a stay at home mom. Then here we are 2 and 1/2 years later going through a divorce and no job. I felt schizophrenic going through all of these emotions from acceptance, to denial, to how can this be and back again. I tried all the best effort i could to get him back from this woman whom he was having an affair with, and make him see how much i love to be with him. but he insisted he never wanted to be with me anymore. Its was almost 4 months since he started living with this other woman, then i decided to use Dr. Jack spells for help because i had no other choice and i felt everything was lost to me. I had the most wonderful and happy marriage after using his spell in just 48 hours, and that was how my marital life was fixed back to its right track. If you are one of the people who is in a loveless and unhappy marriage that cannot be salvaged (and you can only determine that by being very honest with yourself), believe me...there is light at the end of this tunnel. Here is his Email: or

Call him +2348138289852

Joy ofeimu said...

Dr Jack, Here is my testimony from a Heart Warming indebted Client (Joy Ofeimu from United states)

I will try to make this short as possible. In July I found out that my husband of almost 17yrs was having an affair and he actually brought this woman to my home. I was devastated to say the least. I met my husband 18yrs ago and he swept me off my feet and we got married 11 months after we met. We had a great marriage (I thought) we have two beautiful boys. In 2015 we moved 800 miles away to a very small town due to his job. I quit my high paying job at a company that I had worked at for 14yrs to move away from my family and job/career to be a stay at home mom. Then here we are 2 and 1/2 years later going through a divorce and no job. I felt schizophrenic going through all of these emotions from acceptance, to denial, to how can this be and back again. I tried all the best effort i could to get him back from this woman whom he was having an affair with, and make him see how much i love to be with him. but he insisted he never wanted to be with me anymore. Its was almost 4 months since he started living with this other woman, then i decided to use Dr. Jack spells for help because i had no other choice and i felt everything was lost to me. I had the most wonderful and happy marriage after using his spell in just 48 hours, and that was how my marital life was fixed back to its right track. If you are one of the people who is in a loveless and unhappy marriage that cannot be salvaged (and you can only determine that by being very honest with yourself), believe me...there is light at the end of this tunnel. Here is his Email: or

Call him +2348138289852

marry said...

I was able to spy on my cheating ex phone without finding really helped me during my divorce can contact (h a c k s e c r e t e @ g m a i l. c o m)​ text 617-402-2260​ for spying and hacking social networks, school servers, icloud and much more,viber chats hack, Facebook messages and yahoo messenger,calls log and spy call recording, monitoring SMS text messages remotely,cell phone GPS location tracking, spy on Whats app Messages,his services are cheap.. and please tell him i referred you to him he is a man with a heart of GOLD.

Unknown said...

Its probably not remember the root of the dream is anxiety and insecurity, you both cheated its to be expected.I dont think shes cheating.... Its as you said you cheated first but your still thinking about her mistake,maybe you expected her not to cheat or anything no matter how you acted in the relationship, maybe this still bothers you bc your scared she may leave you for someone else bc you cheated first.... Just let it go shes still there and so are you

Maybe you done feel fully forgiven for your mistake

We are all people we all are capable of doing the same things just love eachother life is too short to waste love and dwell on the past

Anonymous said...

I am very happy today with my family. My name is rose sarah living in USA, My husband left me for a good 3 years now, and i love him so much, i have been looking for a way to get him back since then. i have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that darted me to Dr.Jude a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 2 weeks. Me and my husband are living happily together today, That man is great, you can contact him via email… Now i will advice any serious persons that found themselves in this kind of problem to contact him now a fast solution without steress.. He always hello, now i call him my him now he is always online email ( or contact him on his whatsapp mobile line +2348034062173

Unknown said...

If you ever need help to find out about a cheating partner or spouse with evidence to back it up, this can be done for you only with the help of a professional hack expert who can help with mobile phone hack, social media hack such as whatsapp, facebook, snapchat, instagram; can help recover lost password, need help remove unwanted content from the internet, change and boost exam scores and grades, fix bad credit scores, protect yourself from cyber attackers, track and monitor what your kids are up to on the internet and social media and many more. Contact: for help out.

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