Sunday, January 27, 2008

Dream Interpretation in the Online Age

In the mind of us humans, there is an intangible yet almost interchangeable border between dreams and reality. It is said that blessed are those who dream in color and great sensory detail, and especially blessed are those who vividly remember everything, or almost everything, from their dreams.
Others, however, may not be as fortunate. These people wake up clueless or confused, wanting to remember the night before but are helpless about it. Dreams are the doorways and trapdoors to our Unconscious. We don't just dream just so we can have a leisurely adventure time during our sleep. We dream because it is our Unconscious mind's turn to process everything we have experienced during our waking hours.
This is why dream interpretation is a very crucial act. By finding out the meanings of our dreams, we are doing ourselves a favor. We can't help but make assumptions when it comes to “signs” in our dreams. From the olden days, dreams have been regarded as portents, as warning signs, as special messages, as promises of good things to come.
This desire to find meanings in our dreams is inherently in our culture. We are after all, meaning-makers. This is what separates us from other living things: the ability to make and derive meanings from everything. Honestly, have you ever met someone who has never read a single text from their horoscope, or even gotten curious about it? In their whole life? No one. We are forever curious, haunted, fascinated, and dependent on meanings and messages. Even something as trivial as a falling leaf or a passing cloud. This is called poetry. And what better fusion is there than dreams and poetry. The more complex our dreams, the more colorful are lives, we think.
Come to think of it, when was the first time you heard about dream interpretation and analysis? In fact, at an early age we were already exposed to this desire of knowing meanings in our dreams. Children are perhaps the most vivid and active dreamers. As children, we sleep at night and dream of lots of things, and the morning after we immediately ask our parents about these. Our parents will try their best to interpret our dreams as if they're some kind of psychics. And eventually they will clear out our questions at some point.
What it is about the psychic realm, astrology, or even a basic tarot card reading that makes us treat them as such a basic, almost necessary, part of our daily lives? It's their mystery and the act of finding their answers. Admit it: it's peculiar trying to remember the world before them.
Consider this: you dream about loosing a tooth. Obviously, most people already know the meaning of this. Bad luck. But if you want to be sure and read it with your own eyes, you might search the Internet and find an appropriate dream interpretation for losing one's tooth.
Here's what you might find: “For one tooth to fall out, foretells disagreeable news; if two, it denotes unhappy states that the dreamer will be plunged into from no carelessness on his part. If three fall out, sickness and accidents of a very serious nature will follow.” Shock would be your first reaction. But, more importantly, your response should be to live carefully starting from that day. After all, we make our own good and bad luck.
Even though we are in a technology-driven world today where everything evolves fast, somehow from the inside of our body, we still have enough time for taking chances with a professional psychic. Whether we need an advice from love, career and life. Eventually their advices will neither make your lives better nor make it worse. It all depends on how you handle things and on how you apply them to your everyday life.
Nonetheless, if you seek for the betterment of your life, it's all up to you if you make it or not. You can't force the fundamental meaning of life. It will all happen again in exactly the same way if you don't learn from your mistakes. Dream interpretation does not offer happiness, nor instant change. Only enlightenment. In the end, it's still up to you to take the right path.
Author: Neoli Marcos

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Don't Underestimate the Usefulness of Dreams

Dream in all its apparent illogicality, is actually quite a useful tool for understanding oneself. There are different types of dreams, but almost all dreams tell us something that we need to know.
For most dreams, the various characters within the dreamscape (including animals) can be viewed as certain aspects of ourselves. These characters often symbolise the following:
1. Sub-personalities. Often they are the parts of us that we are not consciously aware of.
2. Ingrained habits.
In addition to that, some dreams can also be recurring memories of something dramatic (or traumatic) that happened in the past.
Possibly the most interesting of dreams are those of a mystical nature. For example, certain dreams actually could be providing knowledge and esoteric understandings. These type of dreams can provide guidance for those on cultivation and spiritual paths.
Below is a real example of how a dream when deciphered provides one with useful and important information that are beneficial to one's well being:
Lets call the dreamer Mr A.
In the dream, Mr A (the dreamer) is being stalked by some dinosaurs. He is terrified of them and hide from room to room of a building to avoid them.
There are 2 significant symbols within the dream. They are dinosaur and room. Dinosaur is usually being associated with being obsolete or outdated. Dinosaur could also represent old beliefs that are not longer valid or useful. Room represent an aspect of self.
The interpretation for the dream is as follows:
Mr A is being haunted by some old beliefs, patterns and concepts that are no longer useful. He is trying to shake off these beliefs. This dream may be an indication for him to recognise these beliefs that has become hindrances and relinquish them in order to move on.
You see, when interpreted correctly, the information thus derived from the dream is useful. If Mr A takes the dream interpretation as something of significance... he will know that he needs to let go of certain out-moded beliefs if he wants to progress in life.
In conclusion, understanding dreams can be quite helpful and beneficial.For your necessary discernment. Thank you for reading.
Author: Shen Gerald

Dream Interpretation, How To Use It To Inspire Yourself

We all have dreams but what we do not realize is that our dreams hold many keys to finding happiness and success. In fact, our dreams are inspiring us through the messages that are contained in these dreams.
Dreams contain many symbols and signs that may explain things such as dreaming about strange objects such as ladders or doors, which, to the untrained person, have no significant meaning or value to them.
Every dream that you have holds a subconscious message in it for you. While you are sleeping, your subconscious mind has the opportunity to come to the surface and speak to you. Unlike the conscious mind, the subconscious is not rational or direct. This is the reason that we see symbols, colors or numbers, rather than being told specific messages, such as you need to take better care of yourself or take that new job opportunity.
Dream interpretation takes a look into these symbols, colors, and numbers, to give you some sort of explanation as to why you have been dreaming about these objects, or symbols, and how you can use the information held in your dreams for your advantage.
There are many dream interpretation books, and information resources available that will assist you in interpreting symbols that you have seen in your dreams. As you get to know what the symbols mean, you will be able to get the feel for your dreams, and interpret them yourself according to your own life, and particular circumstances.
How To Remember Your DreamsMany people do not get the inspiring messages left to them by their subconscious minds, simply because they do not know how to remember their dreams. A dream will often follow a certain pattern, such as you, your location, what is happening in the dream, the action you take, or your role in the dream, other people or objects in your dream, and an end result. At this stage you will often waken from your deep sleep.
The trouble is that, often, you will wake from a deep sleep feeling disorientated, and confused, with much of the dream missing. If you turn over and go back to sleep, you will completely forget that you ever had the dream.
The best way to remember your dreams for interpretation is to have a pen and notepad beside your bed. When you awaken from a dream, fill out as many details as possible about the dream pattern mentioned above, what you do not remember can be filled in later. As you practice writing down your dreams, you will get better at remembering more of them.
The next day, you can look at what you have written in your notepad, and interpret what the symbols or details in your dream mean. Dreams happen for a reason, and hold many inspirational messages to help us in our lives, so take note of them, jot them down, and use them to help inspire you.
Author: Kelvin Ho

The 7 Steps to Understanding your Dreams

Did you know that each night you will have between four and seven dreams and that a total of around ninety to one hundred and twenty minutes will be spent dreaming?
That means that over your lifetime something like six years will be spent in the world of your dreams! So don't you think it would be great to be able to spend that time productively?
Well you can, because by learning the techniques that you need to fully understand your dreams you can then use them to achieve all of your goals in life. All you have to do is follow the simple steps that will enable you to uncover your dream secrets.
Follow these seven steps and you will be well on your way:Prepare Your EnvironmentTo ensure you dream truly significant dreams you must get a restful night's sleep.
So the environment in which you sleep must be just right. Make sure you are comfortable and are neither too hot nor too cold. Ensure that the room that you sleep in is right for getting a good night's sleep.
Author: Tony Hall

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dream Interpretation Guides - Why Do You Need To Use A Dream Interpretation Guide?

Dreams are one of the most amazing journeys we all make while we sleep and that give us many keys to understanding where we are in our lives.

Sometimes dreams can be guides to wealth and happiness, they can warn us of dangerous situations, they can reveal secrets to unlock mysteries in our minds and much more. Whatever you believe dreams to be, one thing is for sure, you should not ignore your dreams.

Dreams are so powerful and personal that there's nothing in the world that can compare. They are even more powerful than mystical readings of any kind! Astrological readings or numerology can't begin to come close to the power you will have to understand yourself as if you start by understanding your dreams. Of course, I do like some divination methods but understanding your dreams is the best starting point in my opinion.

We must realize how each of us has the most unique dreams. Not another person in the whole world can have the same experiences and emotions as you or me. We must also acknowledge how each dream is connected deeply with our own realities.

Sigmund Freud is considered by many to have completely revolutionized the way dreams are interpreted. What we have today that we call the science of dream interpretation started with Sig. He began to try to understand dreams to be able to comprehend certain personality aspects and their relationships to an illness or depression.

Freud was a strong believer in the theory that nothing happens in vain, nothing is ever by chance or coincidence. Therefore, the science of dream interpretation was born. From the time of Freud to today, many new theories on dream interpretation and new dream interpretation methods have arisen. You can even find many dream interpretation guides available in bookstores and online that explain in detail what each dream might be trying to tell the dream interpreter.

Are they worth it?

Dream interpretation guides can be highly worth the time or investment to understand what your dreams are all about. They may not give you the exact dream interpretation for each one of your dreams but they will give you a solid foundation to start your own exploration into the fascinating world of dreams. If you enjoyed reading this article about dream interpretation guides, come to my blog at and read some of our Guide Reviews.

Joseph Mars is an expert in Alternative Healing, Hypnosis, Healing Through Foods and Dream Interpretation. Visit him at

Dream Interpretation and Psychosomatic Medicine

Many people cannot understand why we need to look for psychological reasons when a physical problem cannot be cured through regular medicine. However, everything in our world is related-our mind, our body, our spirit, the nature, the planet, the vast and infinite space-everything.
Sometimes, if we are able to fix a piece of the big puzzle called reality that is not functioning as it should be, we can solve all the problems caused by it because this small piece affects the whole system.

Of course our mind and our body are intrinsically related! We separate the several parts of our body in order to study them and there are even several specialists for each medical problem we may have, according to the part of our body that is affected, but reality is completely related.
Through dream interpretation, we can clearly see that all our problems have a psychological reason, even when they can be cured through regular medicine. Many times, however, a somatic problem cannot be cured by regular medicine, but it can only be cured through psychotherapy. Thus, psychotherapy is, in fact, more powerful than medicine.

We observe that several unexplained health problems are caused by immorality or indifferences to how other people feel. Our bodies can also be affected by fear, which is a very common phenomenon.

Usually, we can understand that a somatic problem is caused by a psychological problem or a moral mistake. The person who has psychosomatic problems has to identify their mistakes and change their behaviour. This can be done through dream analysis, by using the only correct method for dream interpretation discovered by Jung and simplified by me.

If the patient follows the guidance he or she receives in dreams, the patient can be completely cured from physical diseases, without the need of medicine and surgical operations, as was already verified in many cases.

I cured a young lady who was unable to defecate and required an operation in the intestine. However, she was able to overcome her psychological problems through dream interpretation and her physical problem was completely cured after 10 months of psychotherapy.

Everyone must learn how to use dream interpretation to solve all their problems and acquire psychological and physical heath, and even possibly eliminate the need for painful and dangerous surgeries.

Sometimes, even psychosomatic medicine cannot cure some patients because their problem is more serious or their attitudes are not correct since they don't cooperate. They cannot be passive-they must change their behaviour.

However, if the patients cooperate with the wise unconscious that sends messages to cure them, and precisely follow the guidance received in dreams, their somatic problems are usually curable though psychotherapy in a relatively short period of time.

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.
Learn more at:

Dream Interpretation - The Unique Scientific Method

The unique and correct method of dream interpretation was discovered by the psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Jung thanks to a research that was not only based on clinical experiences and analysis of many dreams but also on the examination of the symbolic rituals of the alchemists and the symbolism of their elements.

"An alchemist was a person versed in the art of alchemy, an ancient branch of natural philosophy that eventually evolved into chemistry and pharmacology. Alchemy flourished in the Islamic world during the Middle Ages, and then in Europe from the 13th to the 18th centuries." (

The alchemists were trying to discover a way to transform metal into gold. However, what was important was not what they were actually doing in their chemical experiments, but the transformation of what was material in something else that didn't have material dimensions.

Just as Jung found information about dream interpretation by studying several dreams, artistic manifestations and the strange alchemists, I discovered the hidden meaning of many symbols Jung could not translate. I achieved this by interpreting my own literature, especially the book I wrote over six and a half years, after a terrible car accident, during a period when I was a complete atheist.

I had lost my faith after the accident, but the meaning of the book I was writing helped me keep the moral values I had learned in the Catholic school where I studied.

I continued Jung's abandoned research in the unknown psyche many years later, and I discovered the wild side of the human conscience that causes craziness to the human side. This way I could clearly interpret everything that Carl Jung didn't understand.

Not only could I find many scientific proofs in the technique used for the translation of dream symbols, but I also discovered that we can be informed about our present reality, psyche, other people and the future by interpreting our daily life scenarios in the same way we interpret dreams.

The interpretations are confirmed by several facts and transformations in our lives that fit with what was explained or predicted in dreams.

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.
Learn more at:

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Meaning Of Dreams In Chinese Medicine

Do dreams carry any meaning? Does it foretell a future event? What do dreams mean, especially recurring unfavorable ones? What about sweet dreams or scarry dreams?
People frequent ask me but I am of not much help as this is not my area of expertise. In fact dreams interpretation is a separate skill by itself.
Recently I read a book on Chinese Medicine and there is a section on how dreams can assist in Chinese medical diagnosis. This is from a section in the Yellow Emperor's Medicine Classic called the Miraculous Pivot. I find it extremely interesting and I would like to share some of their findings with you.
The classic says that fearful dream is a result of lack of qi in the heart and gallbladder. It can also be due a prolonged illness or excessive anxiety.
Angry dream is caused by stagnation of qi in the liver and gallbladder or hardening of the liver. It can also be due to the presence of gallstones. Conversely, happy dream is due to the smooth flow of qi and indicate quick recovery even if you should fall sick.
Sad dream is due to deficiency of qi in the heart and lung, deficiency of yin in the liver for example with chronic liver disease and tuberculosis. Melancholic dream is due to imbalance in the liver and spleen.
What about dreams where you are continuous striving for something? This is due to reverse flow of qi in the liver and gallbladder and increasing yang in the liver for example with hypertension and poor food digestion.Floating and falling in dreams are amongst the most common type of dreams.
Floating dream is due to excess in the upper part of the body but deficiency in the lower parts like deficiency of the kidneys, excess phlegm or coronary heart disease. Falling dream is due to deficiency in the upper and excess in the lower part. This is often seen in water retention in the kidneys and deficiency of yang in the heart.
What if you dream of looking for food or water? Looking for food dream indicate a weak spleen and deficiency of yin in the stomach. If you dream of looking for water it can imply excessive yang and depletion of bodily fluids for example due to high fever or dehydration.
What about looking for toilet dream? According to the classic this dream is often caused by painful urination, inflammation of the intestines, poor digestion or diarrhea.
Finally what is the cause of the most serious form of dreams, sleep walking? It is most likely due to stagnation of qi in the liver or distractions!
Author: Henry Fong

Who Did You Dream About Last Night?

Your dream characters are great sources for insights about you and your life and it can be lots of fun meeting and getting to know them. By the end of this article, you will have a better idea of why we dream about particular people, even those we never give any thought to, such as your Aunt Betty, or that seldom seen neighbor down the street.
Dream characters in general, are like actors in a play, each one portraying a different part of yourself. They are performing roles to share information about you and the current events going on in your life. These characters will include animals as well.
The first step in meeting your dream characters is to get your dream down on paper. It is very important that you do this on your own. There really isn't any other person or dream dictionary around that is going to be able to relate to them as well as you can.
Once you've written down your dream, list any characters that appeared whether you knew them by name or not. Think about what the character was doing and what the aspect being portrayed might be. If you do know the character personally, then chances are they represent something you equate them with in waking life.
Here's an example: I dream about my Dad every now and then, and in the dream he is usually talking or making gestures to a group of people. In life, my Dad was a minister and I've heard him give hundreds of sermons. He was an excellent public speaker and I was always impressed with his ability to convey ideas with simple clarity. So as a dream character, he represents the aspect of ‘clarity' or ‘becoming clear about something'.
What about someone that you know, but don't really associate with, or even think about? This could be your seldom seen neighbor, or that Aunt Betty I mentioned earlier. Write down what your impression is of this person. This will give you a clue as to what you were probably connecting with in your dream.
Now, what about the characters that you don't know? Pay close attention to their appearance and what their actions are.
Here's one example for you: I dreamed I was sitting and chatting with an older woman dressed in matronly-looking clothes. She was speaking gibberish, but somehow I understood what she was saying. When the dream was over and I was writing it down (I won't bore you with the details), it came to me that she was simply a translator aspect between my subconscious and my conscious self. This character was my way of getting some particular information across.
Of course, there will be dreams where the person you are dreaming about is really about that person. Chances are you have a concern, or a desire about your relationship with this person and your dream is giving you information about it. The dream content should give you a clue as to whether the character is really an aspect of you or not.
What about animals? For me, animals tend to portray feelings or a quality equated with a particular animal. For instance, I view cats as being curious, playful, independent and graceful. When a cat appears in my dream, it's generally depicting one of those characteristics. A cat for you might mean something else entirely!
If you get stuck and can't come up with a good purpose for your characters, go back into your dream through meditation and simply ask them! ~Sweet Dreams ~

Don't Underestimate the Usefulness of Dreams

Dream in all its apparent illogicality, is actually quite a useful tool for understanding oneself. There are different types of dreams, but almost all dreams tell us something that we need to know.
For most dreams, the various characters within the dreamscape (including animals) can be viewed as certain aspects of ourselves. These characters often symbolise the following:
1. Sub-personalities. Often they are the parts of us that we are not consciously aware of.
2. Ingrained habits.
In addition to that, some dreams can also be recurring memories of something dramatic (or traumatic) that happened in the past.
Possibly the most interesting of dreams are those of a mystical nature. For example, certain dreams actually could be providing knowledge and esoteric understandings. These type of dreams can provide guidance for those on cultivation and spiritual paths.
Below is a real example of how a dream when deciphered provides one with useful and important information that are beneficial to one's well being:
Lets call the dreamer Mr A.
In the dream, Mr A (the dreamer) is being stalked by some dinosaurs. He is terrified of them and hide from room to room of a building to avoid them.
There are 2 significant symbols within the dream. They are dinosaur and room. Dinosaur is usually being associated with being obsolete or outdated. Dinosaur could also represent old beliefs that are not longer valid or useful. Room represent an aspect of self.
The interpretation for the dream is as follows:
Mr A is being haunted by some old beliefs, patterns and concepts that are no longer useful. He is trying to shake off these beliefs. This dream may be an indication for him to recognise these beliefs that has become hindrances and relinquish them in order to move on.
You see, when interpreted correctly, the information thus derived from the dream is useful. If Mr A takes the dream interpretation as something of significance... he will know that he needs to let go of certain out-moded beliefs if he wants to progress in life.
In conclusion, understanding dreams can be quite helpful and beneficial.For your necessary discernment. Thank you for reading.
Author: Shen Gerald

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Do Your Dreams Have a Hidden Meaning?

Dreams, what are they? Dreams come from your subconscious mind as a means of processing and sorting information. But the truth is no one really knows what causes dreams and why some folk seem to have vivid colorful dreams and others have short uneventful ones.
Dreams mainly occur during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. REM occurs every one and a half hours during the sleep cycle. During REM the eyes move from side to side and the body is relaxed and almost incapable of movement. Have you ever told people, "I never dream"? Well you're wrong. The fact is everybody dreams every night. You just may not be able to remember your dreams.
Don't worry too much if this is the case. Not remembering dreams doesn't mean you're abnormal or unnatural in any way. While most people do remember their dreams, the memory is fleeting and occurs mainly when the sleeper first awakens. If you really want to be able to remember your dreams, the best way is to 'remind yourself' before falling asleep.
This programs the subconscious mind - the source of your dreams - to hold on to the memory. When you wake up, try and hold the dream in your mind until you have a chance to record it.
The easiest way to do this is to have a notebook and pen or a personal voice recorder beside your bed, so you can write down the dream before it disappears and gets 'buried' by the normal thoughts and concerns of everyday life. With a bit of practice you'll find little snippets of your dreams beginning to reveal themselves.
This procedure will also work well for those who remember occasional dreams or those who want to remember every dream they have. Books on dream interpretation abound and many people believe that dreams create a window into the subconscious mind where they can find answers to their most pressing problems and even see into the future. This can be a dangerous practice.
At best you can waste a lot of money buying books which lean towards the esoteric and lack knowledge in this area. Even sleep specialists know a large part of interpreting dreams is pure speculation. At worst dream interpretation can be taken too seriously and people can depend too heavily on finding the (sometimes false) meaning of their dreams.
This can lead to depression and even paranoia. It's best to treat dream interpretation as a bit of fun and realize that there may be many different ways to analyze dreams and their meaning. If you are having recurring dreams or nightmares, it's best to contact a therapist experienced in this area.
Don't go down the mystical route of trying to analyze yourself by means of a book. Nightmares can be caused by stress, so work on ways to relieve this and the nightmares should ease or may even disappear by themselves.
Author: Wendy Owen

Psychotherapy: Modern Technology’s Dream Analysis Method for Teens and Adults

Since the modernization of technology, everything is made easier and more convenient for everyone. Most teenagers who are suffering from depression are likely to take refuge in it. In the pasts, technology as high as what there is at present do not exist to provide them with everything they have today.
A teen wants to be a part of this growing technology and what they do not know sometimes is that it plays a big role among them, too.It is appropriate for teens to know that modern technology does not solve their basic problems but what it does is that it helps them understand earlier what older people understood only when they finally became adults.
Through it, teens receive more information, but definitely not solutions for sorting the various problems they are having.Putting an end to terrors among teenagers such as craziness, violence, immorality, hypocrisy, futility and indifference can only be achieved through general psychotherapy.
Technology could only educate them about these things and point them out to where they should seek real help. A teen wants to know about this matter for sure.Modern Technology has presented the method called dream decoding. Through it everyone, including teens, can have psychotherapy which is entirely free of charge from the unconscious side of their psychic sphere. Teenagers’ best doctor is none other than their own psychic sphere.
Dreams convey messages where we can find guidance, which can cure our some of teen’s dilemma and eliminate depression.This is a new method of dream analysis is something new, even though dream analysis and the occupation with the dreams’ meaning are very old and being used even in the ancient times.
However, there is this concept that everyone is absurd when they are born therefore, everyone shall pass through psychotherapy that would use the modern method of dream interpretation as soon as they reach adolescence. This is something new and it will be usual that a teen wants to try this type of test.Other methods of psychotherapy may help everyone as well, but some may only be confused about this modern method of dream analysis.
The best thing to do is to be extra careful when choosing a psychotherapist, because a psychotherapist who is not expert in this field may only worsen teen’s problematic psychological condition. No one wants this thing to happen. Anyway, Psychotherapy through dream interpretation is still a guaranteed method because it has no risk. It is based on goodness.
Dreams know how to present the truth in each patient’s subconscious state without causing shocks as the unconscious is very careful and sensitive. It could even tell what a teen wants in her subconscious state.A teen who wants to be wise and well balanced should pass Psychotherapy. The method may give the solution a teen wants to achieve. Adults are very much welcome too.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Need Lucid Dreaming Techniques? Learn Lucid Dreaming Techniques Now!

Lucid dreaming is a technique that allows you to become conscious of the fact you are in a dream and can react to the dream world just like you were awake. With humans spending about a third of their lives asleep this is an amazing way to use that (much needed) downtime to its fullest potential! So what lucid dreaming techniques can you use to invoke this state and what do we need to know before we can learn lucid dreaming? First we need to look at how we sleep!

Stages of Sleep:

1. Slow-Wave-Sleep (SWS)This is the transition stage from awake to asleep and only lasts a few minutes as the eyes roll slightly and the brain changes its state.

2. SWS 2
Called slow wave sleep as is the first stage but is characterized by high peaks of brain waves with rapid drops as well. The brain is in a very erratic state. This also only lasts a few minutes.

3. Delta-Sleep
The brain waves are now much slower and steadier. This is also called deep sleep.

4. Delta-sleep 2
This is also another delta phase but the brain is now in an even heavier state of sleep. This is the deepest stage of sleep.

5. Rapid Eye Movement (REM)
The REM stage of sleep does not occur after the 4th stage. The stages from 4 reverse quite quickly first and then REM sleep comes on. You may have a higher heart beat and shallow breathing during REM sleep as well as muscular twitches and of course the eyes rapidly moving back and forth. During this time you have the most vivid dreams and is your best chance of inducing lucid dreaming.

Also as the night goes on you repeat this cycle about 4 or 5 times with each cycles REM stage getting longer and longer each time allowing longer dreaming periods as you go.

Now we have a better idea of how we sleep we can learn lucid dreaming with more confidence. Here are some techniques:

1. Build dream recall
People who have very good natural dream recall make very natural lucid dreamers as this is the first step to learning lucid dreaming.

Those who do not remember much of their dreams can train themselves to become better quote simply however it just takes some time.

To build your dream recall it is best to keep a dream diary. Whenever you wake from a dream immediately write down everything you can remember no matter how vague it is or how patchy your memory. By doing this you are training your mind to remember dreams and over time you will find you can remember more and more!

However DO NOT WAIT until morning to write these things down, do it straight away, as soon as you realize you are awake get your pen and jot it down or you will miss many details or the entire thing as dreams can be fleeting.

2. Reality testing
This is a technique that trains your mind to look for signs of dreaming. However you do it while you are awake as we have not started lucid dreaming yet!

-Reality test stage 1- Carry a piece of paper with you with a few phrases on it or something similar. Throughout the day take this paper out and look at it, then look away and look back again. Did the text change? Try once more do the characters make sense or has anything changed. Obviously if it has you know you are dreaming! This teaches the mind a pattern if you do it often enough that can repeat in dreams and clue yourself into the dream.

-Reality test stage 2- Imagine very hard while awake that you are dreaming and that all that surrounds you is a dream, changeable and fleeting. Then imagine what fantasy you would do the next time you are dreaming, flying, meeting famous people or whatever you want! Again this activity encourages your mind to understand dreams and behave in ways and patterns that may reoccur in dreams and lead to a lucid experience.

Most lucid dreaming techniques focus on training the brain to think in patterns that reoccur when dreaming so they give cues to your conscious self when sleeping that you are dreaming.
This can take some time to learn but once you have the ability it is imprinted into your mind and will aid you through the rest of your life. Some people even suggest this sort of brain training can also give us more insights into our subconscious letting us explore our fears, desires and frustrations in life so we can understand ourselves to a much greater degree.

Good luck and good dreaming!

Do you want to make the most of your sleeping time? Do you want to become aware of lucid dreams, remember them and even control them fully? Do you want to be able to do this every night? If so you need Lucid Dreaming the easy way!

Take back the night now!Comes with a Free dream dictionary and dream interpretation guide!

How Useful is a Dream Dictionary Really?

At the start of your dream journey, one of the most frustrating things is to figure out what the symbolism in your dreams means! Most often people start their dream conversation with me by saying: “I had this weird dream …” What makes it “weird” is the strange collection of people, objects, places and events that take place in the dream.

How do you make sense of it? I guess you’d be thinking that a dream dictionary is a good place to start.

The biggest “complaint” I hear is: “I looked up “such-and-such” in a dream dictionary and it makes absolutely no sense to me!” Well, I’m not surprised.

Watch out for Dream Dictionary Bloopers!

Some dream dictionaries contain some real whoppers. Here’s a selection from some dubious sources I saw recently [don’t laugh … these are real examples!]:

Burglar - If you catch a burglar in your dream you’re about to inherit some money.

Funeral - signifies news of an engagement or wedding.

Marshmallow - means you will meet a new friend of the opposite sex. Razor - is a warning to control your temper.

Well, you get the “picture”! These “interpretations” are obviously just ridiculous. And you can easily see that for yourself … intuitively you know that these meanings should not be taken seriously.

So do you even need a dream dictionary?

Well the answer is “yes” and “no” and “depends”.

“Yes” – use a dream dictionary when you’re really stuck with a symbol and you need some inspiration to find the right meaning. Just make sure you’re using a reputable resource and use your “BS” detector!

“No” – avoid using one when you can immediately relate the symbol in your dream to something in your waking life and your “gut” is giving you a positive reaction to the interpretation you’ve intuited.

“Depends” on the reliability of the source of the information. Don’t take any meaning at face value. Test them out first. You will be able to validate your dream messages in your life. You’ll also automatically collect your own personal dream symbol dictionary if you’re actively journaling and interpreting your dreams. You’ll be able to tell when certain symbols are valid for you or not.

How to use Dream Symbols

I’ve collected over 1000 dream symbols in my 10-year dream quest and have validated them all for myself. Most of them are universal in nature and I’ve noticed time and again how the same meanings appear for the same symbols in reputable research works … from dream therapists to psycho analysts, psychics, mystics, shamans and other metaphysicians.

For example:

Water - signifies your emotional self, your intuition and sub-conscious
Fire - signifies spiritual and psychic energy; purification; passion and creativity
Earth - signifies your physical self; reality and practicality; groundedness
Air - signifies your intellectual self; your thoughts and plans
Taking this a step further, certain “transport vehicles” relating to Water [emotion], Earth [physical] and Air [thought] signify how you are coping with these aspects in your life.

For example, if you’re in a boat in your dream this represents how you’re coping emotionally: are you gliding smoothly through the water indicating that your emotions are smooth and calm or are you being tossed on the waves of a stormy sea indicating abnormal emotional turmoil that is negatively affecting your life? You see what I mean?

Your dreams aren’t trying to trick you! All you have to do is learn to understand the language of your dreams and to translate the imagery you see with your “dream eyes” into useful information you can use in your waking life.

Diane de Villiers is author of the Dream Journey Guide – a step-by-step, teach-yourself dream interpretation e-course. You can learn to make sense of your dreams yourself in minutes with the Dream Journey Guide. For more information and a FREE Preview copy of the guide go to:

Dream Interpretation - Understand Your Hopes and Fears

Dreams are defined, loosely, as a "sequence of sensations, images, thoughts, etc., passing through a sleeping person's mind”

Dreams reveal a lot about our personality, our hopes and fears and that’s why dream interpretation is considered so important by many people.

Dream interpretation falls into several different groups that can be categorized as:

• Dreams from the physical body
• Food (digestive dreams)
• Health
• Psychological
• Dreams from the spiritual realm
• Precognitive and future
• New Information and Knowledge
• Dreams of the deceased or spirit guides

With dream interpretation it is important to understand our dreams in the context of our thoughts, conscious and unconscious, expressed or repressed.

Our dreams are free and unhindered

Dreaming can serve as an outlet for our thoughts and stimuli we repress during the day.

Dreaming can serve as a platform to warn for the future, explain the past, or even teach lessons about ourselves and how to grow and improve.

As we go to sleep at night and slip into our dream state, we are liberated and can behave and act in a manner that we do not allow ourselves in our waking life.

Dream Interpretation

Let’s look at dream interpretation and see what our dreams can mean to us.

We will not present to you a Freudian or Jungian psychological approach to dream interpretation, but a traditional, age-old and ageless system for understanding what you dreams can mean to you.

• Commonplace Dreams

Here you can see a more cursory analysis to some of the commonplace dreams that most people may have at one time or another. You may dream of losing your teeth, seeing or riding a horse, or of flying. These are all dreams shared by a great many people.

A mysterious element of dreams where people of diverse backgrounds, of varying experiences, and of different ages can all share the same dreams.

This serves to remind us that we are all not that different as we may imagine.

Philosophers and psychologists have argued that our shared dream experiences connect us as a human race. After all, we share similar concerns, hopes and fears.

• First Steps in Dream Interpretation

The first step in dream interpretation is to record your dream as soon as you wake up. Have paper and pen next to your bed.

Should you see a dream, as soon as you awaken, write down what you saw. Underline any important points (those that impressed you, and to which you had a reaction – positive or negative.

• Obtain a Reliable Dreamer’s Dictionary.

Readily available in bookstores or on the net, get yourself a reliable dreamer’s dictionary.

• Determine the dream’s main theme (or theme symbols)

All dreams have one underlying theme to which the dreamer relates. “I dreamt of my mother last night” (where the dreamer’s mother is deceased). This describes the theme.

• An Example of Dream Interpretation

A dreamer dreamt of seeing his mother (deceased), and she was preparing bread and sweets for him. While sitting in the kitchen with his mother, the dreamer noticed the garden, and it was full of flowers.

Roughly interpreted, seeing one’s dead mother could mean she actually visited him (in sleep we are closer to the veil that divides the material and spiritual world). The fact that she was preparing bread and sweets may have meant that his efforts in life (personal of business) are coming to fruition.

Seeing the garden full of flowers may have been the confirmation that indeed, he is about to receive the credit and success for which he has labored.

• The final step in learning to interpret your dreams

This can lead you into understanding your dreams, and applying that understanding to address and confront your hopes and fears

For more on dream interpretation

AS well as, other alternative topics to gain a greater understanding of yourself and life please visit:

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Archetypal Symbols In Dreams

Archetypes are among the most powerful and most significant of all items found in dreams, and they are of great interest to dream interpreters and to dream researchers and scientists alike. At its simplest, an archetype is a prototype, or an original copy, of any object or experience. An archetype can also refer to the prefect example of an object – the object by which all others are judged.
This article will examine several important prototypes encountered in dream interpretation. The first of these archetypes is the animus.
The animus is a term used by psychologist Carl Jung to represent the masculine side of the female. Jung felt that women possessed a unconscious masculine imprint, and he called this imprint the animus.
Women become familiar with the nature of the animus through a constant questioning of ideas and opinions, and of gender roles and identity. When coming to terms with her masculine side, the woman learns to criticize her opinions and hold them at a distance. This does not mean repressing those opinions; it simply means investigating where they come from, and delving more deeply into their background.
Dream interpretation can often be a big help in discovering the masculine side of a woman, and the woman who dreams of being a man is often exploring her masculine nature.
According to Jung, women go through four stages of development when exploring and discovering their animus.
In stage one, he animus may appear in dreams, and he may represent the ultimate embodiment of physical power. Thus the animus may appear as an athlete, a highly muscular man, or even as a criminal or thug.
In stage two, the animus gives the woman the initiative and the ability to take action. Women in this stage are often ready to take on careers and lives of their own, apart from their family and other role models.
In stage three of the development process, the animus may be seen in dreams as a clergyman, professor or other authority figure. During this stage, the animus represents knowledge and wisdom.
In the final stage, the animus comes to represent spirituality and deeper meaning. During this stage, the animus moves back and forth between the conscious and unconscious mind, still appearing frequently in dreams but appearing in the waking world as well.
The other popular dream archetype is the Mandela. A Mandela can be either a complex or a simple geometric design or pattern, usually in the form of a circle. Mandelas are frequently seen in Native American ceremonies, and they make up a big part of the religious experiences of many Native American and indigenous peoples around the world.
The Mandela also figures prominently in Eastern religions, and it is used to represent the universe in both the Hindu and Buddhist traditions. In Jungian philosophy the Mandela is the symbol for the self. The Mandela is also used to symbolize the circle of life, completeness or wholeness.
Dreams can use any one of these meanings, or a combination of several meanings, for the Mandela. Dreaming of a Mandela or seeing a Mandela in your dreams, is often seen as a spiritual yearning, or as a greater enlightenment.
It is important to know that archetypes such as the animus and the Mandela are universal in nature, showing up again and again in religions and mythologies around the world and across the time. Their universal nature if one of the things that gives them such power and influence, both in the world of dream interpretation and in the waking world.
Even so, it is important to note that the appearance of these symbols in dreams can have very different meanings and interpretations for each individual dreamer. Even thought the symbols are universal, each individual is unique, and personal experience plays a large role in making each individual dream symbol unique as well.

About the author:Visit and read more about dream interpretation

A Dream Come True, Again and Again

You have your own unique dreams and visions and views of things to come. Some dreams are splashes and flashes you may not fully comprehend. Others may be as clear as you see with your physical eyes. Some arrive in your nighttime dreaming, remembered in the morning or days later. Others show up through processes like goal setting, meditation, writing or reading poetry, or conversations with others.
A common expression in our language is "a dream come true," which usually means you are pleased or surprised that something you had hoped for or dreamed about has come to pass. There are variations on this interpretation, but this basically captures the essence of what most people usually mean.
After realizing a long-time dream, you might be unprepared for the emptiness or depression or aimlessness that comes from living without a goal or dream for the future. Unless, of course, you have begun a new dream. Without a new dream, you might become either complacent or agitated, without recognizing the reasons. Perhaps you identify the most immediate stimuli in your environment to make sense of feeling "down and despondent" or "up and agitated" when you think the logical condition after realizing a dream should be "joyous and satisfied."
Recently, I had the honor of guiding a client to see a vision of his future. Here is a little background: Alex (a pseudonym, of course) is an accomplished, exceptionally intelligent, powerful professional who is highly regarded in his field. Indeed, his sphere of influence extends far beyond his own field. He is 50ish. He has far exceeded his childhood dreams and those of early adulthood. He is ready for a new dream, one that is beyond his realized dream.
Alex has far more to contribute to the world. I chuckled both silently and empathetically as he expressed feelings of his life being over. "Over!?!" I keep myself from screaming, and then said calmly, "you have just begun, my friend! Your true mission is yet to be realized." My awareness of his life mission served as some slight comfort in his despair.
However, I had a greater gift for Alex than describing my vision of his mission. After leading him in a brief guided meditation, I did some Focused Energy Work. He lost conscious awareness of what was happening, which was fortunate, as he might have resisted the new vision. Energetically, I could see this vision of his life mission drop into his energy field with a sound of gentle thunder and a splash of lightening.
As I coaxed him back to consciousness, he said he had gone very deep. I encouraged him to describe the vision that had dropped in. At first he focused on his present crisis and transition. I cleared that from the energy field so that he could step into the vision, which he described in precise detail. Since I could see what he saw (before or as he did), I could ask him questions that led him to specific objects and people and feelings and thoughts.
After he had embodied the vision, Alex moved back into the present, to live in the here and now, re-energized by his vision that will become clearer with time.What is the dream that you are holding that you want to realize today? this week? this year?
About the author:Jeanie Marshall is a Personal Development Consultant and Coach with Marshall House, She writes extensively on subjects related to personal empowerment, meditation, and effective use of language, including her free Mini Course, Meditate Now: 21 Days to Meditate Regularly at You may republish this at your web site or blog, provided you include this paragraph and make all links active

Dream Interpretation: A Guide for Our Daily Lives

Every single day, millions of people are being engaged in a deep sleep. Almost 90% of us experience dreaming. We dream all the time, even when awake. It is a very common thing for each and every one of us. Dream is an experience of mental images, voice and thoughts during sleep that we don’t actually experience and it doesn’t really happen. Dreams carry messages outside us, coming from spiritual being or God Himself. These messages are usually warning or an indication of what is going to happen.

One way of interpreting your dream is dream analysis. There are lots of online dream interpretations on the internet that could help us discover its meaning. Universal Psychic Guild can provide you an accurate dream interpretation with the help of the online psychics that you can reach 24/7 through phone, chat or email.

We all have many dreams and sometimes some of them may return over and over. Through the Psychic Guild dream interpretation section you are able to look into your dreams and figure out the mysteries of our sleeping state. You will be able to find out why you are dreaming the certain events or situations in your dreams and look further into the deeper aspects of your life.

We can be anyone or anything in our dreams and even go wherever it leads us. We cannot control it, but instead, we let our mind take over. There were times when I usually rely on the interpretation of each dream I have. Base on my experiences, it was on its meaning where I only discover the real causes of some things that are bothering me and also some changes that will come my way. Dreams are our guide to be able to focus and pay attention to what is going on in our daily lives.

It is said that dreams are connected to our reality. It brings together the body, mind and soul. Dreams provide the deeper meaning of ourselves. In that case, understanding our dreams can help us understand and discover our true self.

About The Author
Joan Candaza SEO Specialist Universal Psychic Guild

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming is a process whereby one knows that he is dreaming when he is dreaming. It is definitely useful to people to wish to gain control of their nightmares. This technique will also be useful to people who dabble in dream interpretation to know more about themselves.

Techniques to be used include:

1) Performing Reality Checks

When you are not dreaming, it pays to perform reality checks. Reality check when you raise up your hand in the air and ask yourself: "Am I dreaming?". Once you have become accustomed to it, you will start questioning yourself if you are dreaming in a dream. This allows you to become lucid.

2) Keeping A Dream Log

A dream log is a systematic way of recording your dreams. Keep it beside or pillow for easy access during the night. Remember to record your dreams immediately since dream memories fade quickly. At the bare minimum, the key points of the dream must be noted. Personally, I situate an alarm clock far away from my bed. This ensures that I wake up to switch off the clock and end up writing in my dream journal.

3) Using Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreaming (MILD)

Firstly, you have to set your alarm clock to go off 4 hours after you go to sleep. When the alarm clock rings, your subconscious mind will be at the stage when it is most 'open'. At this point in time, quickly record down your dream experiences in your dream log. If you forget your dream, ATTEMPT to sleep and try to be aware of what you have dreamt. In other words, 'relive' the previous moment. In the event that ''noise'' (random thoughts) appear, repeat the imagining part until you 'sink into' your previous dream.

To have a more in depth understanding of Lucid Dreaming, visit Lucid Dreaming On EBay

6 Tips to Help You Face Diseases and Depression - Discovering Health and Happiness

Diseases, hospitalizations, surgical operations and similar situations can cause depression to all who experience them, either if they are experiencing it themselves or if it is someone close to them. Diseases are very depressing...

How can someone find the courage to face the worst diseases, or even those that can be cured but with time, many efforts, expenses, etc.?

There are infinite examples of diseases and conditions that really cause sorrow. Their appearance kills their victims even while they are still alive.

How can someone survive and have the courage to continue this way? Life is already too difficult even when we are healthy. With a disease, everyone tends to lose hope and shrink into a deep depression.

If you are facing a disease or you are sad, without health or freedom, here is my advice to help you overcome everything and become happy and healthy.

1. A disease (or condition) is caused by a mistake made by you. It works like a natural punishment. Your body is attacked because of the mistakes of your mind. You can learn about and correct your mistakes by interpreting your dreams using the right method. You can receive guidance and therapy directly from the unconscious that not only creates dreams to protect you from craziness but also regulates the functionalism of your body.

2. You can interpret dreams to calm down and find the courage to continue, develop your conscience and become more intelligent.

3. This source of psychotherapy using dream interpretation will already help you greatly. You won't feel depressed, completely abandoned or lost. You will discover a free personal doctor at your disposition in your own mind, sending you dreams with messages that carefully guide and cure you, by showing you why you are sick and what you must do to recuperate.

4. If you believe in God, trust your faith because discoveries made at the end of the last century are proofs of His existence. Moreover, the wise unconscious is saintly and this proves the existence of sanctity and its healing powers.

5. Your sad experiences are stopping you from living a futile life, and they are making you evaluate the meaning of your existence. You are not eluded with dreams of happiness in this crazy world where selfishness and violence govern and where obstacles prevent us from being happy. Now you start seeing the horrors of life and all its impossibilities: you are wiser and more mature. From now on, you will be very careful and pay attention to what is good, without complaining for insignificant matters.

6. Believe that you will regain your health and happiness and all will be wonderful for you, even if you are ready to die and everything is awful in your life because a very big change will happen in your life as soon as you start caring for your dreams.

There is a connection between your life and your dreams and this connection is always active, but you must care for your dreams and learn how to translate the symbolic dream language into sentences that you can understand.

The unconscious mind constantly tries to protect your conscious mind from craziness by the anti-conscious. It constantly helps you develop your conscious and become completely intelligent and balanced. This is why you'll discover sensibility, optimism, health and happiness by following the wise guidance you receive in dreams.

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere. Learn more at: http://www.booksirecommend.comClick here and download your copy of the Free ebook Beating Depression and Craziness

A Stolen Smile: How To Interpret Dreams of Losing Your Teeth

The soul thinks in images.

— Aristotle

A welcome sigh of relief usually accompanies the realization that it was “just a dream” about our teeth falling out. We dismiss it as yet another disturbing image from that often incomprehensible dream worldmaybe it was too much pizza?

After many years of struggling to understand dreaming and dream images, I discovered that our dreams are up to something far beyond the gastro-intestinal repercussions of what we ate last night. Our dreams persistently identify those extraordinary qualities that make us unique and genuine individuals. At the same time, dreams are ruthless, often graphic and shocking in exposing the consequences of influences from others, from society, from family, from groups, that threaten our ability to live our own lives. Any technique of dream interpretation that ignores this powerful and empowering dream dynamic is like a child playing in the shallow end of the pool—safe and secure but missing something tremendous.

When we have little or no sense of who we are, adaptation and the desire to please others can lead to real confusion and rapid self-destruction; we begin to lose valuable parts of ourselves. One evening in a small dream group, an attractive Asian woman in her early twenties told us about a recurring dream that was really upsetting her:

I’m very upset because my two front, upper teeth, right in the middle, have fallen out. When I wake up, it is such a relief to feel them—they are still there.

I asked her to tell me what those two particular teeth did for her, what was their job? “They help me smile,” she replied without hesitation. “I don’t smile,” she added, clenching her jaw and obviously trying not to smile.

“What happened to prompt you to decide not to smile?” I asked, surprised and curious about such a tragic loss.

“My boyfriend says I don’t look good when I smile.”

I recall that my mouth dropped open in disbelief at that point. I was appalled but also amazed at her recurring dream’s obvious warning. She had allowed a valuable part of her identity and her authenticity to be stolen from her: her “smile.” And what is a smile? It is a natural, authentic response to life, an expression of our unique humor, our ability to laugh at life, a priceless, healing form of self-nourishment. She was allowing an outside influence, her boyfriend’s criticism, to silence an important part of her essential nature.

Here’s how to work with dreams about your teeth:

• Always imagine being the specific tooth or teeth in your dream and ask yourself, “What is my job? What do I do for this person?”

• Next, imaging being the teeth in your dream and experience what it is like to be falling out, coming loose, losing your grip—exactly as events happen in your dream. You might experience what one person described as feeling “no longer useful.”

• Remember to also imagine being your jaw, your mouth, your tongue, and explore what it would be like to lose those particular teeth. Pay close attention to what you say as you imagine being the different dream elements. For example, in the above dream, from the tongue’s perspective, losing those two teeth would make speech difficult; she is also losing a part of her voice, her ability to speak for herself (to be herself) and express herself.

• Think about your waking life and see what circumstance or situation fits your experience of role-playing the various parts of your dream.

Our dreams do not want our essential nature to “disappear.” They want to free and protect our Authentic Life— that expression of our essential nature, the original blueprint, the soul struggling, playing, creating, and recreating life. Our dreams want us to break the mold, live outside the boxes of life that want to define, contain, and imprison us. They want to free the distinct, eccentric, unconventional, creative self, that unique sense of who we are in the core of our being.

John Goldhammer, Ph.D., is a psychologist and the author of three books, most recently, Radical Dreaming: Use Your Dreams to Change Your Life (Kensington Publishing / Citadel Press). He lives in Seattle, Washington. Website:

Monday, January 7, 2008

Analyze Dream: Dreaming Sleep Stage

Analyzing Your Dreams the Four Stages of Sleep

Regardless of age, every human dream anywhere from four to seven times a night. We now know that babies experience dream sleep while still in their mother’s womb. What they dream about, of course, is a mystery. What animals dream about is a mystery as well, but most mammals dream as well. In this Readabout article, we analyze dream and study stages of sleep.

Analyze Dream: Dreaming Is Essential To Your Well-Being
Surprisingly, science is still uncertain of the exact function of dream sleep. However, it is a documented fact that dreams are essential to our psychological and physical health. Research volunteers given drugs to disrupt dream sleep experienced all manner of psychological problems, including problems concentrating, irritability and even waking hallucinations.

The sleep cycle or dreaming sleep stage is divided into four distinct stages, and every person cycles through all four stages each night. Every cycle contains a stage of dream sleep, and every person experiences a number of distinct dream stages, and a number of distinct dreams every night.

Typically, the only dreams that are recalled, if any are recalled at all, are those dreams that take place closest to waking. The closest the dream occurs to waking, the more likely remembered. If a dreamer wakes in the middle of dream sleep, he or she will remember his or her dream perfectly and vividly in even the tiniest detail. We know this from years of studies of dreams.

Analyze Dream: The Stages of Dreams
Lets explore the four stages of sleep, including dream sleep, in greater detail.
Stage 1:
The first stage of sleep is a very light one, and it is very easy to be awoken or disturbed during this stage. Stage one of sleep usually lasts for only a few minutes, and the sleeper quickly moves on to stage two.

Stage 2:
Stage two is a much deeper level of sleep than stage one. It is in stage two of sleep that dreams begin to form. At this point in the dream cycle, there are usually no clear images. Dreams at this stage mostly consist of vague ideas and thoughts drifting through the dreamers mind. The sleeper will continue and enter stage three.

Stage 3:
Stage three is a still deeper sleep. In stage three of the sleep cycle the sleepers muscles have all relaxed, and his or her heart rate and respiration have both slowed down. The sleepers blood pressure also falls during this stage of sleep, and the breathing is even and steady. During this deep stage of sleep, the sleeper would be very difficult to awaken. Typically the sleeper can only be awakened by a very loud noise or the shout of his or her name. After a time, the sleeper will enter the final stage of sleep.

Stage 4:
Stage four of sleep, also known as REM, or rapid eye movement sleep, is the deepest stage of sleep, and the one in which the most dreams occur. During this stage of sleep it is very difficult indeed to wake the sleeper. During REM sleep, the blood pressure and heart rate will fluctuate, and the sleeper’s brain will light up. Studies of dreaming patients have shown that more brain activity occurs when we are dreaming than when we are awake.

REM sleep got its name from the rapid movements of the eyes under their closed lids. These eye movements are the distinguishing characteristic of dream sleep, and proof that dreams are occurring. Most REM sleep lasts only for about 10 minutes. After that time, the sleeper returns to the deep sleep that characterizes stage four of the sleep cycle. The sleeper will return after a time to a period of REM sleep, then cycle back into stage four. This process repeats from four to seven times a night.

This article, Analyze Dream: Dreaming Sleep Stage, explored dreaming and the dream cycle. You now know the stages of dreaming wach one of us goes through every night. We have learnt that even babies and animals dream. We also learnt that dreams are vital to our mind health. Read more articles on Readabout to know more about your dreams.
From : ReadAbout.Net

Why Do People Dream?

We dream because the wise unconscious that regulates the functionalism of our bodies can treat the human conscience and help it fight against the anti-conscience without its interference, as is the case when we are awake.

In your dreams, the unconscious gives you directions, warnings and psychotherapy. You need them, because insanity is inherent in the anti-conscience that constantly tries to destroy your human side. While you are sleeping, you can be in contact with the unconscious that works like a doctor in your psyche and sends you dreams in order to provide you the guidance you need.

Dream interpretation must be a daily activity for you, in the same way that you do several other things every day, because it only helps. However, this will help you even if you don't write your dreams down regularly or even if you only care for your dreams when you have problems.

Your dreams belong to you; they talk about your life.

Dreams inform and help you in several ways, especially because you are not as rational as you imagine and because even your logic is absurd.

Perhaps you have to develop your feelings; perhaps you must learn to be realistic. The unconscious knows exactly what you need to understand and what has to be corrected in your behavior, so that you'll be always calm, wise and happy with yourself.

These messages are symbolic in nature because your anti-conscience shall not learn what the unconscious reveals to your human side, otherwise it would distort these messages and you would not have any protection against the anti-conscience.

There is a primitive awareness inside you that is not human but evil. Existence is a difficult matter and this was inevitable. Life is a big challenge! With all the problems and the disappointments that the conscience had to face, it became nervous and violent; this is why it resulted in a monster.

You must learn how to interpret your dreams in order to protect your human conscience from the craziness that already exists in your psyche.
After this basic point, the unconscious is going to help you solve all the problems of your life. You'll always have a doctor and counsellor that will protect and guide you at your disposition, so that you'll follow the light of truth instead of walking in the darkness of your ignorance.

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere. Learn more at:

Click here and download your copy of the Free ebook Beating Depression and Craziness

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Top 10 Dream Interpretation Tips (That The Experts Use To Interpret Your Dreams...)

Here are some tips for unlocking the coded messages that your dreams are sending you:-.

1. Always keep a dream journal so you don’t forget your dreams. It’s best to use a tape recorder to record the dream when you first wake up, and then write the dream in your journal later when you have time. That way you can get all of the details out of your head while they are fresh and not have to worry about how fast you can write or how sloppy your writing is.

2. Dream Glossaries and other online dream resources are okay for reference, but remember that no one can determine what your dream means better than you can.

3. You must use a consistent approach and methodology when analyzing your dreams. Dreams are not random events and you shouldn’t approach their analysis in a random manner.

4. Often times we cannot determine a dream’s meaning right away. When this happens, just journal the dream as usual and then go back and revisit the dream frequently until the meaning makes itself clear.

5. Not every symbol in a dream is significant. Sometimes what we think are symbols are really nothing more than props or background just like in a real movie. For instance, if there was a payphone visible in the dream, it might simply be there because you expect to see one there. On the other hand, if you are feeling anxious about a telephone call you need to make, but have been avoiding, then the payphone could be a significant symbol.

6. Dream symbols can have very different meanings to each of us. There is no one answer. Use a process known as free association to link symbols in your dream with the first thing that comes into your mind when you think about the symbol.

7. Remember that sometimes a dream has no meaning. It may simply be your subconscious mind’s attempt to burn off excess energy by replaying events that are on your mind.

8. Dreams of murder are rarely what they seem, and dreaming of your own death is rarely a warning. There are other meanings to the death symbol that have nothing to do with mortality.

9. Even the most bizarre dreams can be easily analyzed if you use a proven methodology for dissecting each symbol in your dream and attaching a real-world meaning to it.

10. Never take a dream at face value. Even if you think that the meaning of the dream is obvious, you should still put it through your analysis process just to make sure. It’s very rare for a dream to mean exactly what it looks like it means.

If you want to know more about how to analyze your unique dreams, and you want to learn about a revolutionary new 4-steps dream analysis system that a 35 years old dream interpretation enthusiast discovered:

Go and grab this FREE 5 part e-mail course which is available for a limited time NOW:-

= = =>

By Yap Kee Chong Platinum Quality Author

Dream Interpretation - The Meaning of Light and Darkness in Dreams

If you see dreams where you are trying to turn the light on but the lamp burns when you switch it on, it means that you will discover something you didn't know. The darkness in your dreams represents the ignored truth.

The ignored truth about you is the fact that you have an inherent anti-conscience that tries to invade and dominate your conscience in order to destroy it through craziness. However, besides this basic truth, there are many other aspects of reality you ignore.

Don't think that if you see the light of a lamp in your dream, this dream is showing you the truth; on the contrary, it is showing you that you believe in a false truth, produced by the false logic of selfishness and ignorance. This is the false truth that the mentality of your civilization has imposed upon you, since it is governed by the domination of the wild conscience. This is why our world is characterized by terrorism, violence, poverty, immorality and many other horrors.

The wild anti-conscience that works against the human conscience trying to destroy it is very strong not only in the human psychic sphere but also in our world because this world is governed by violence. Violence means craziness and terror. However, the human being believes that violence "is sometimes necessary" and one refuses to learn how to be completely peaceful and humble, by eliminating one's dangerous ego.

The ego is a channel that connects the human conscience with the anti-conscience and works for the evil anti-conscience, while the ignorant human conscience believes that the ego protects it with its demands!

The real truth is completely different from what the selfish ego and conscience imagine. Only the wise unconscious is not selfish in the human psyche, but this is because it is an organ that has a saintly origin. It is directed by God, which is the most developed conscience that exists. All the other components of the human psychic sphere are absurd and selfish.

The wild anti-conscience it totally absurd and evil, but it is not idiotic; it is very clever, even though evil means stupidity since it brings only suffering. It is very clever despite its stupidity of insisting on being evil.

This wild conscience is the result of the disorganized development of the first conscience that was created by chance. Whatever is a product of chance is chaotic and tends to disappear. This is why the human being has a self-destructive tendency and this is why we also destroy the world we live in.

So, what the civilization of our time considers as true is in fact the result of the distortion of facts made by the anti-conscience in the human mind that is induced to be selfish.

Therefore when you see in your dream the light of a lamp on, you have to consider your own thoughts and conclusions because they are not real: they are based on false statements and distorted reasoning, influenced by the anti-conscience.

The real truth cannot come from an artificial light obtained through electricity. It has to come from a real star, the biggest one in our solar system: the sun. Only the sun's light in your dreams represents the indubitable truth!

By Christina Sponias Platinum Quality Author

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.

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Explaining a Dream of Murder

Having a Dream of Murder?

Individuals with dreams of murder or suicide will sometimes get easily agitated or have resentment towards someone. Many times, these can be treated with alternative remedies rather than traditional ones. If you want to find a solution that doesn't require expensive medication, here are some tips that may help.

  • Chamomile into a bath
  • Kava Kava or Valerian root
  • Increase dopamine levels by increasing your intake of B vitamins
  • Chamomile tea before bedtime
  • Lavender essential oils in the bath
  • Drinking peppermint
  • Powdered lavender incense
Nightmare Murder Meanings

Another interesting finding around dream analysis is when dreamers stop trying so hard to get a true meaning they go away on their own. Nightmares that have Dreaming of murder can often serve as a release and you may wake up in a friendlier world, feeling somewhat relieved. If you or your mate toss in bed that night, sleeping terribly and dreaming of murder a therapist can begin to investigate the murder of a patient's dream for a more precise meaning.

Interpretation Daytime Activities

A dream of murder is very hard to figure out exactly what it means. Analyzing your murder story will likely not relate to actually committing the crime of killing someone. Usually it can be connected to a recent activity in your conscious day. If you are someone that really needs to have a dream meanings murder explained read on and hopefully this article will offer some insights.

What is behind such thoughts of murdering someone probably comes down to the last 48 hours of your life. Likely there will be a relationship between that and your murder dreams. What you can recall likely will have a special significance when trying to interpret your murder dream. More times than not a dream of murder has something to do with unfinished business or unresolved problems during your waking day.

MURDER: When you have a committed the crime in a dream of murder it is back luck. Especially with younger people. The nature of this dreaming of murdering someone is symbolic of losing your temper towards people that have no moral values or scruples.

GUN: If there is an injustice done to you or a family member it is foretold by the firing of a pistol, gun shotgun or high caliber firing arm. When you hear the sound of a gunshot it is a sign of unrest

KILLING. If someone is killed in your dream and you are a terrified witness to the crime, you will change your place of abode and be sorry for it. 'lb dream of killing a person, whether purposely or by accident, is an omen that you will be criticized for bad manners.

In our conscious life we understand that homicide is unlawful. Killing another human being is usually the result of arguments, Drugs, Robbery or crimes of passion. There are two kinds of murder at defined by the judicial system: murder 1 (in the first degree) and murder 2 (in the second degree). Does any of this relate to having a murder dream? Yes. in the sense of our conscious mind being aware of consequence. The waking acknowledgment that a dream of crime, homicide, dream of murder are not acceptable in society.

At night you may dream of murder and death. This is what it means to dream of murder. When your problem is reoccurring it is a good plan to seek professional advice. When and effected patient brings a dream of murder to professionals it is taken seriously. Some patients honestly believe that they are going to commit this act. Rarely is that the case. Finding a symbolic meaning is often not what you think it is.


Mental heath care professionals will often use hypnoses to recovered memory movement. Is it many times the best way to find the underlying truth! When under hypnosis you may also find other psychological issues that are causing dreaming of murder.

Unfortunately our subconscious mind crosses into our conscious world. This is a human brain behavior that we have no control over. An example of undesirable dreams that are related to being a murderer is an adult woman that was abused by her father as a child. She may have a dream of murder and castration of the abuser (Her father). With the right medical care and analysis this frightening, reoccurring dream can be overcome.

Dream Murderer Meaning:

If you dream of murdering someone you know, then this dream may reveal your hidden feelings of resentment towards that person. Similarly, the person being murdered could represent an aspect of yourself that you are trying to repress or destroy. What is it about yourself that you are trying to kill off? If you are the one being murdered, then this may show how you are at the mercy of your emotions. Perhaps you have repressed your instincts that are now seeking vengeance.

Other Dream Meanings

FIORD- You may look forward to calm, peaceful days in a happy home if you dream of sailing on a fiord of Norway or on any other narrow bay with mountains on either side.

SILO- Taking contents from a silo in a dream is a sign that you must avoid overindulgence in whiskey, gin and other hard liquors. A silo on fire is a warning against waiting too long before paying your bills.

By Maggie May Johnston

For more on Water Dream Interpretation please visit

Maggie studies paranormal activity as a hobby. Dreams are one of the most mysterious and revealing abilities that people have. Experts estimate that when we dream we use the other 2 thirds of the brain that we do not use in our conscious state. That is fascinating, especially when you can tap into some of that sub-conscious power.